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  1. Paroissien

    acid rain equation

    Why wouldn't we need to know it? Surely like in (nearly) every other aspect of chem, the equation would help
  2. Paroissien

    Minoan past questions

    Yeah, if you study two ancient societies (which I do) you have to do an essay response on one of them. If you don't do two ancient societies, you don't have to worry about it
  3. Paroissien

    Telling the Truth - Related Texts

    I actually used that in my trial exam, but it got shat on because it was 'specific' enough. And as a result that ended up being my worst mark.
  4. Paroissien

    Finding Valence

    Nope. A bit of a useless post, but I couldn't resist
  5. Paroissien

    online summary

    I noticed that also. Makes doing notes and such a hell of a lot easier doesn't it?
  6. Paroissien

    Minoan past questions

    This is the question I had in my trial (and burial practises but I knew nothing about that) and I really did struggle with it. The only archaeologists I knew of were Sir Arthur Evans and Harriet Boyd-Hawes. I managed to string together a brief paragraph on Boyd-Hawes, then struggle on for...
  7. Paroissien

    Quoting or Paraphrasing?

    What do you consider better, and more importantly, does anyone know what the markers prefer?
  8. Paroissien

    Oxidation of -OH

    Thanks very much, both of you, and the oxidising agent I'm thinking of it potassium permanganate You do (kinda) if you do forensic chemistry. I've seen question asked on this kind of thing, although it is in a far more simplified form. I just like to have the background to the questions. Helps me
  9. Paroissien

    Oxidation of -OH

    For example when permanganate oxides ethanol: CH3CH2OH + H2O ---> CH3COOH + 4H + 4e I don't understand how the -OH is oxidised to form -COOH. I think of oxidation in terms of galvanic cells, and I can't get my head around how this work. Could someone please explain it to me? Cheers
  10. Paroissien

    independant paper

    Yeah I did. What about it?
  11. Paroissien

    Chem - independent paper 04

    This is the paper I did, and I have one question about it. Does anyone know why there where no longer response questions (worth like 7 or 8 marks)? Not that I'm complaining of course, because it made the paper a lot easier.
  12. Paroissien

    practical assessment

    We didn't do a prac assessment, but I'd be backing either distinguishing tests for organic compounds or paper chromatography. Don't blame me if this isn't the case though
  13. Paroissien

    Revision Question

    It is in the forensic chemsitry section
  14. Paroissien

    Wiedeman's source for Augustus

    I've never heard of him, so obviously I've never used him. What is his book called?
  15. Paroissien

    Revision Question

    Compare the reactions of both glycerol and 1-propanol when they react with cold dilute KMnO4. Can someone please explain this to me.
  16. Paroissien

    Why Isnt Anyone doing Forensic?

    Lucky bastard. My teacher is more likely to kill me, than give me any extra marks. She takes it quite personally if you even check through your assessments looking for mistakes.
  17. Paroissien

    Carr vs. Elton Debate

    Ok, my teacher only handed out about a quarter of the book of readings by the look of it. That's a bitch.
  18. Paroissien

    Carr vs. Elton Debate

    What book of readings are you refering to? My teacher gave me a book of sources but it has nothing on Carr or Elton
  19. Paroissien

    Carr vs. Elton Debate

    Where can I find resources on this?
  20. Paroissien

    Elizabeth Case Study

    Where did you all get the majority of your information from?