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  1. Paroissien


    Firstly I always like to start with an equation: CH5OH + 3O2 ---> 2CO2 + 3H2O moles (ethanol) = mass/molar mass = 72.5/46 = 1.576 moles moles (CO2) = 2*1.576 = 3.152 moles of CO2 volume (CO2) = moles*24.79 = 78.1 L of CO2
  2. Paroissien

    Essay questions [and] Greece

    Briefly: (I know this part doesn't really apply to the question, but it is important background info) The imperial bureaucracy (god I hate spelling this word) was developed by Augustus as he had assumed many duties and couldn't possibly cope with them all him self. The bureaucracy consisted of...
  3. Paroissien

    Water Management

    Well firstly where do you live? And that really should've been an assignment. But if you didn't do the assignment I guess you best bet would be to go for the Sydney catchment area, which I know nothing about so I can't help you there. There is a bit of info on that catchment area on the various...
  4. Paroissien


    Thanks for that. I was almost positive it was, but this just confirms it. And this isn't that question exactly. That was 0.1% sulfur in the coal.
  5. Paroissien

    Who knows little bit more about organic chemistry

    I suppose it would, but there really is much to that, except for simply memory of facts.
  6. Paroissien

    Who knows little bit more about organic chemistry

    There is a bit more in Forensics, but even then it is still pretty basic
  7. Paroissien

    Formation of ozone

    The answer I have say that it is B, but I guess that could be wrong Thanks
  8. Paroissien

    Formation of ozone

    This is a question from a 2003 James Ruse assessent paper. 2. The formation of ozone in the troposphere is due to which situation? (A) Presence of the very short UV radiation acting on an oxygen molecule (B) Presence of medium short frequency UV radiation acting on nitric oxide molecules...
  9. Paroissien

    Help Question

    That sentence doesn't really make sense, so I'm assuming you meant 'it IS possible to get glucose from cellulose' Am I right? EDIT: Ahh ok. My eye just skimmed straight over the 'im'
  10. Paroissien

    Finding Valence

    Just remember: Carbonate (CO3) is 2- Sulfate (SO4) is 2- Phosphate (PO4) is 3- Hydroxide (OH) is 1- Ammonium (NH4) is 1+ Nitrate (NO3) is 1- And the rest can easily be worked out using the periodic table. Sorry for the late reply, and seeing as though its Tuesday, this might be useless...
  11. Paroissien

    Help Question

    What do you mean it isn't possible to obtain glucose from cellulose? This might be wrong, but according to the Macquarie Revision Guide sulfuric acid hydrolysis of cellulose results in the formation of glucose. Although it does say that it hasn't been developed into a viable industry yet. Can...
  12. Paroissien

    Sodium Emission Spectrum

    We never did this prac so could anyone outline what happened here?
  13. Paroissien

    infrared spectroscopy

    They are not specifically named that's for sure. But I suppose there is a small chance they could come under the syllabus point: "Analyse and present information from secondary sources to discuss the ways in which analytical techniques may provide evidence about samples" But it is my...
  14. Paroissien

    CSSA solutions

    And for anyone else that wants the paper and the solutions here is the link:
  15. Paroissien

    2002 Hsc Q21

    I'd say the question is referring to the natural environment, but it couldn't hurt to throw in a little spiel about the effects it has on limestone and such.
  16. Paroissien

    Minoan past questions

    That's what I would've liked to have done. I hate having to do an essay on one of the ancient societies, but I suppose it's no you whinging now.
  17. Paroissien

    Quoting or Paraphrasing?

    Personally I've just always worked the historians name into the essay, for example "as Tacitus states..." and it's always worked fine for me.
  18. Paroissien

    you're all lucky

    To tell the truth I've realised I'm not to keen on either biology or spectrocopy but it is WAY to late to do anything about it now
  19. Paroissien

    Any easy way of remembering ion/anion tests?

    I can remember the various flame tests (copper, calcium, barium) and the bright yellow precipitate for lead, but that is it. At the moment I'm hoping there will be a multiple choice question that gives us the tests.
  20. Paroissien

    CSSA solutions

    Question 19 is a bitch of a question, but here is the answer straight from the solutions: For 3 marks: Identifies at least TWO standard conditions and explains their necessity. The standard conditions are: all solutions have a concentration of 1 mol/L; any gases have a pressure of 1 atm; the...