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  1. teeah

    Ready for School Tomorrow?

    arghh, i envy you and your very logical school. seriously, what is the point of starting on tuesday and then missing a day? -.-
  2. teeah

    Ready for School Tomorrow?

    Pretty self explanatory, just wondering where everyone's at with their prep for this term/holiday homework/whatever you may call it? :)
  3. teeah


    I've been told that because entry into medicine is so competitive, bonus points don't make a difference. However, if you're looking to apply to UWS and you live in western Sydney, you can get in on a significantly lower atar than oter places, something like 94. Of course you shouldn't use this...
  4. teeah

    UMAT Drills

    Ahh, that would make sense. But hopefully the questions aren't too much harder than those on the drills!
  5. teeah

    worst/best english novel you have ever read in school?

    worst: if you end up doing romanticism in extension english and are unfortunate enough to do austen - mansfield park. best: anything other than mansfield park.
  6. teeah

    Noob question- How to balance this equation?

    I think that's pretty much the same thing, you're just mulitiplying it by 2 throughout so you don't have a fraction infront of the oxygen?
  7. teeah

    you really need to do something about your message limit. :L

    you really need to do something about your message limit. :L
  8. teeah


    I'm not sure how much this will help, but try not to read it as a prescribed text. If you forget about the fact it's for school, it's actually quite a good book to read. Then go through it a second time and analyse the hell out of it :P
  9. teeah

    The following errors occurred with your submission Bored_of_HSC has exceeded their stored...

    The following errors occurred with your submission Bored_of_HSC has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space. lol. cant reply.
  10. teeah

    UMAT Drills

    Hi guys, just wondering if it's just me or if anyone else has noticed that the Eureka section 3 drills on the MedEntry LMS Site are significantly easier than the other practice section 3 questions (i.e. from the Trial Exam). Is it supposed to be like that? Thanks :)
  11. teeah

    Half Yearly Results Thread

    The only one I shall share - 40/40 Chemistry = 1st = biggest fluke lol. :P
  12. teeah

    Projectile Motion Question

    Hey just wondering if someone could give this a go: A 30kg object, A, was fired from a cannon in projectile motion. When the projectile was at its maximum height of 25m, its speed was 20ms^-1 An identical object, B was attached to a mechanical arm and moved at a constant speed of 20ms^-1 in a...
  13. teeah

    favourite subject?

    Funnily enough chem (hated it last year) and english (2, 3, 4u - gotta love it all :D)
  14. teeah

    Pathways of stars of 1, 5 and 10 solar masses.

    Hi guys, just wondering if someone could provide me with a quick summary of this?
  15. teeah


    Re: Blade Runner + Frankenstein Intro & Conclusion lol, sorry guys, clearly, im a newbie to posting :) @oyuck - that makes sense, i have a tendency to talk about useless things to kill space lol + thanks for the contextualising tip, its a really good thing to include! thanks so much for your help!
  16. teeah


    Re: Blade Runner + Frankenstein Intro & Conclusion whoa, sorry its so long lol
  17. teeah


    Blade Runner + Frankenstein Intro & Conclusion Hi guys, just wondering if anyone could give me some feedback on these 2 paragraphs (intro + conclusion respectively) - they're quite general as I'm aiming to create something that'd be fairly easy to reproduce in an essay with just a bit of...
  18. teeah

    2012 Astophysicists!

    thanks for that :)
  19. teeah

    2012 Astophysicists!

    we're doing it right now - messed up i know lol. but i guess it makes sense, the continuation is good. haha, gotta love the authority. yeah, its a pretty cool topic; our teacher's pretty interactive and his demo's are awesome! we're actually going to a physics camp in 2 weeks for astro, so im...
  20. teeah

    2012 Astophysicists!

    cool, are you guys going in order and doing the option last?