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  1. Dash


    I did telemarketing for a while and absolutely hated it... I will never go bak 2 it again!
  2. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    Quite a few ppl failed statics... I got a credit for Civil Practice too... :rolleyes:
  3. Dash

    going out

    For me, it all depends on how much money I have...
  4. Dash


    Looking for sem2 books Hi, I am looking to buy textbooks for: ACST211 MATH133 ACCG105 ECON111 if any1 interested in selling... call or msg on 0421457913... or contact my msn: and yes i noe it says i go to unsw...but i juss using a friends...
  5. Dash

    Best Song 2003 ( so far!)

    Chingy - One call away
  6. Dash

    MATH 1131 / 1141 exam tips from veterans

    How did u guys get ur results? I haven't got mine yet for 1131... I'm looking at the academic history on myunsw... Should I be looking sumwhere else?
  7. Dash

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    I lost my virginity at Queensland... Enuff said :)
  8. Dash

    going down there...

    True... Head is shit unless its done right...
  9. Dash

    going down there...

    Eye contact is so sexy... thats why! Take Tera Patrick and Brianna Banks 4 example... Eye contact to tha max! :)
  10. Dash

    Real Estate

    Real Estate is supposed 2 be good money... I plan 2 learn about this myself in the near future...
  11. Dash

    Colesmyer 2004-2005 Christmas Casual Positions

    They just wrote... Your score on the test exceeded 86% They don't give u ur actual marks do they? I might have missed it...
  12. Dash


    Man... dat just sums it up for me... I'm so on ur wavelength...
  13. Dash

    Coles Myer Group Interviews

    I applied for the Xmas positions on tuesday or something... Took that online test, and they sent me an email yesterday requesting I attended the group thing... And no, I haven't worked for them before... Yeh, June 15th, 12:30 to 1:30 :)
  14. Dash

    Guys and Guys

    lol! Yeh, the closest thing for a straight guy would be to think... His got the looks...
  15. Dash

    Chick's mind games

    WTF, mind games? lol I think u should start listenin 2 chicks when they're talkin 2 u instead of checkin them out point blank... lol... jokes :D
  16. Dash

    Coles Myer Group Interviews

    I gotta Group Interview on the 15th of July... Anyone with me?
  17. Dash

    so, who do you know or have seen/ stalked?

    lol, Da Monster > Softurial > MuSaRuRWa Wtf is that last nick?
  18. Dash

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    17... but I ain't counting it :p
  19. Dash

    Chingy OD

    Chingy's death... Many calls away :p
  20. Dash

    Problem Shutting Down

    Oh hey! It's fixed now... thanks 4 that...