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  1. Tulipa

    Quitting Smoking

    I'm actually pretty fucking impressed dude. Keep it up.
  2. Tulipa

    Kissing question (females opinion needed)

    See, for me, forehead kissing is ridiculously intimate but that's just because I'm weird. Sounds like she's just a friend who gave you a couple friendly kisses. Nothing big.
  3. Tulipa

    losing weight.

    Yeah, you're not looking to lose weight dude. You're just looking to tone your butt/thighs. Try butt crunches. Lie flat on your back, then pull your knees up and lift your butt. Then squeeze it 50-100 times. Do it at least once a day. Trust me, it's awesome and it works.
  4. Tulipa

    losing weight.

    Haha yeah. I didn't phrase that well but basically, muscle weighs more than fat so don't be freaked out if you have a toned and tight body (with a decent amount of muscle) but weigh "more" than what you want. I used to be all about the numbers in terms of how much I weighed but I've realised...
  5. Tulipa

    Quitting Smoking

    For sure. Sometime in the next few weeks but not this weekend. The last time I went more than a couple days without a cigarette, I was coughing a lot. Espo's right, it's just your body getting rid of the crap in your lungs/throat. Very impressed how well you've been doing, keep it up =]
  6. Tulipa

    What are you currently Reading?

    Speeches by Barack Obama, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, Jr for one of my Lit classes. Fun stuff :p
  7. Tulipa

    losing weight.

    I don't think you actually need to lose weight. Don't think about the kilos, think about your body shape. You probably just want to tone up. With what you're eating and the exercise you're doing, you are pretty healthy. You're also not eating a whole lot either. Perhaps let your mom know that...
  8. Tulipa

    Catholic Church and HIV/AIDS in Africa.

    Because they actively don't provide sexual education. They don't let these uneducated masses know the truth about condoms. Instead they only teach abstinence. And again, back to my very first point in this thread, considering that religious organisations are often the only tie these people have...
  9. Tulipa

    Catholic Church and HIV/AIDS in Africa.

    The thing is, while that's good in theory, in practice it breaks down (just like Communism heh) because people aren't mindless slaves who obey everything someone tells them to. One of the great things that God apparently gave us was free will. Ideals aren't a practical solution to a problem...
  10. Tulipa

    Catholic Church and HIV/AIDS in Africa.

    Yes because let's blame the uneducated masses whose only contact with the Western world is through the Church's teachings :rolleyes:
  11. Tulipa

    GF cheated on me - still not over it.

    Your reasons for dwelling on her and the situation are inherently selfish. You're doing great and yet, you have this strange desire to make her feel worse. It sounds purely immature and if you really wanted to move on, you'd forget about it and grow up. She didn't love you - girls say that...
  12. Tulipa

    Piercings and Tattoos

    Re: Piercing The actual piercing doesn't hurt initially but it does swell unless you keep ice on it for at least 12 hours. I got mine done and kept ice on it as well as having slushies and ice cream all afternoon and it was only swollen for a day or so. You just have to get used to having it...
  13. Tulipa


    Hasn't everyone done that at some point? I've sent some ridiculously suggestive and sexual messages when I've been drunk.
  14. Tulipa

    Drunken First Kiss

    I had my first proper kiss when I was like 12. So yeah, no drinking involved at all.
  15. Tulipa

    gf wants to have unprotected sex

    Yeah. I did =]
  16. Tulipa

    gf wants to have unprotected sex

    Do you see it as having different standards? It sounds like you regretted doing it before, so why make the same mistake twice?
  17. Tulipa

    gf wants to have unprotected sex

    QFT. Just tell her that it's better to be safe than sorry, that if she doesn't want to do it you're still getting tested anyways and if she still won't do it, then insist on condoms. Side note: what a silly girl.
  18. Tulipa

    what are you craving atm?

    I want a spicy BBQ pulled pork sandwich so motherfucking bad. Stupid country not having any good BBQ :(
  19. Tulipa

    Is it better if the girl or guy asks the other out first?

    It really doesn't matter anymore. It's stupid to think that if you liked someone you wouldn't ask them out just because of some old tradition. If you want to go out with someone and you believe they might reciprocate your feelings then go for it.
  20. Tulipa

    Poem - plz read

    Actually, most of the comments that the initial poems received were constructive criticism. It wasn't perfect and so, in addition to pointing that out, a number of posters suggested ways for the author to improve. Also, don't take posts like that so personally. It's just an internet forum.