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  1. Tulipa

    Little Adolf Hitler seized from parents

    No reason was given for why they were taken. For all you know their names had nothing to do with it.
  2. Tulipa

    Double Degree - how many hours/days a week?

    I'm pretty sure you'll be completing your Journalism degree 'first' so you'll have to do their core subjects of which there are only two in the first semester. Which Creative Arts are you doing btw?
  3. Tulipa

    Why do you read?

    Entertainment, provocation, escape, knowledge, etc. I read because I would be so bored and intellectually static without the written word.
  4. Tulipa

    Travelling 1hr+ to uni

    I hated hated hated hated living on campus. Completely not for me. I couldn't live in Wollongong either though - I'm too much of a city person. One good thing about my commute is that I do all my readings and occasionally entire assignments on the train so I don't have to do that when I'm home...
  5. Tulipa

    Travelling 1hr+ to uni

    I'm the opposite. I live in the city and commute to Wollongong for uni. I used to live further north and it was about 2.5 hours each way. Now it's only an hour and a half. It's not a bad commute and if you can manage to get less than three days at uni it's no big deal. Basically, if you think...
  6. Tulipa

    Should intellectual property be abolished? (make all file sharing legal)

    Because a literary work is not just an idea. To me, that's sort of like saying why should anyone be paid anything for any of their work? Being an artist is a job and royalties for an author are the closest thing to a salary they can obtain. I would concede that the 70 year (after death)...
  7. Tulipa

    Should intellectual property be abolished? (make all file sharing legal)

    If you get rid of the copyright on a literary work then how exactly are they going to make money in the same way as a musical artist? They don't do merchandise or shows (for the most part). It'd be taking away the majority of the money they would make from their work which, to be honest, takes...
  8. Tulipa

    Should intellectual property be abolished? (make all file sharing legal)

    You're all talking about music here - which is fine - but what about literary works or visual artwork?
  9. Tulipa

    Fave author?

    Jeffrey Eugenides, Douglas Coupland, Junot Diaz. They're pretty much my top three at the moment. I really dislike a lot of the popular Australian fiction. Tim Winton, Peter Carey and Bryce Courtenay are all rather vomit-inducing IMO.
  10. Tulipa

    Clerical Recheck- Chance of Worse Mark??

    Re: Question about remarks DO YOU PEOPLE NOT READ OR SOMETHING? Go over this thread again and READ the replies instead of just asking inane questions that have already been answered.
  11. Tulipa

    Books are overpriced?

    Which one? There are so many in the inner city and surrounds. Lovesit :)
  12. Tulipa

    Books are overpriced?

    If you're too cheap to get new books try out secondhand bookstores. Cheaper and much more fun to browse than your local chain bookstore.
  13. Tulipa

    Clerical Recheck- Chance of Worse Mark??

    Kids. You just finished your HSC. Isn't your ability to read tested in that thing?
  14. Tulipa

    What are you currently Reading?

    The Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula Le Guin for my summer lit class. Not enjoying this at all. Then again... I really don't like fantasy so it makes sense that it's painful reading for me.
  15. Tulipa

    Teenage girls sabotage situations because they like the drama

    Well duh. Just avoid girls who like drama. It's pretty simple.
  16. Tulipa

    Teenage girls sabotage situations because they like the drama

    This shit does finish after high school if you don't talk to the girls who were bitches like this AND make sure to not make friends in uni/work/etc. that are like this. I haven't had to deal with "major dramaz" in three years because I've avoided them. Then again, all my gay friends have drama...
  17. Tulipa

    What is so good about being a virgin?

    What a Christian thing to say. And if you're not religious then um ... what the hell?
  18. Tulipa

    v festival

    $140 for that line up? Fuck off.
  19. Tulipa

    girl talk @ the forum

    Sweet. I am going to try. Amazingly decent ticket price.
  20. Tulipa

    Proposition 8.

    This is the best thing I've heard about the whole debacle. I don't care if people consider it corny, I agree with it 100%