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  1. Carnivour

    English Advanced Trial Results

    CSSA Paper... AOS Section 1 - 15/15 Section 2 - 10/15 Section 3 - 14/15 Modules BNW/BR - 18/20 King Lear - 18/20 Frontline - 18/20 Overall 89%, although AOS only counted for 5%, thankgod, my creative wont matter that much...seems like 18 is my blasted mark this time round :(
  2. Carnivour

    English Area of Study Trial Results

    I did the CSSA Paper - Section 1 - 15/15 Section 2 - 10/15 :( not that I expected any better Section 3 - 14/15
  3. Carnivour

    Neap Trial Exam 2005

    H.S. Carslow, who are you anyway?
  4. Carnivour

    All time favourite sad/emotional song-s

    Sway - Bic Runga
  5. Carnivour

    Dance/Club Songs

    you dont know Eminem? The others I know for a fact are played in clubs. But thats beside the point. Thanks Bubz, I'll check those out. :) Any others? I'm considering just hiring just a juke box, but I'm not sure the sort of selection that that will allow.
  6. Carnivour

    Dance/Club Songs

    What are the most popular dance songs? Like songs you'd hear in clubs - I dont go clubbing yet, so for those of you that do, what are some that are frequently played? The ones with really good base lines, and great beats. The sort I'm talking about: Sugar Sugar - Baby Bash Get Low - Lil...
  7. Carnivour


    Hi, not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but this is one of the options I'm considering for next year. Anyone do this combined? Thoughts about biotech in particular, and whether it in itself is a good combination? I'm really interested in biotechnology, so combining it with law seems...
  8. Carnivour

    International Studies/Law

    This is one of the option I'm considering at the moment, and I was wondering if anyone here does this? Ive read through the prospect guide for both of them, and I'm interested in doing international studies, because I speak 3 languages, and would love to go into diplomacy, etc. Combining it with...
  9. Carnivour

    Who got 99UAI+ & didn't 'accelerate' in any subject?

    in light of that comment, whats the point of acceleration?
  10. Carnivour

    exams today!!

    i thought it was a very fair and balanced exam. and the gods must have listened to all those angry stances i kept making in class about how ever single piece of history ever written is only a product of the aim of the historian. so last night, the only thing i studied for in terms of quotes...
  11. Carnivour

    Who got 99UAI+ & didn't 'accelerate' in any subject?

    the hsc is a testament of both intelligence and other skills, specifically that of time management. i agree with your point about the personal interests, im a big advocate of using this year beyond just cruising through, but i think to maintain the integrity of the system - which remember is a...
  12. Carnivour

    Who got 99UAI+ & didn't 'accelerate' in any subject?

    and your point is that smart people deserve the opportunity of having more time? what 04er said is exactly right - people who top subjects in year 8/9 are not the whole representation of the "smart people" that have potential, and thus by allowing acceleration, its disadvantaging the other...
  13. Carnivour

    Who got 99UAI+ & didn't 'accelerate' in any subject?

    dude, you're rude beyond belief. Sphix is obviously just stating a very valid opinion about accelerating. And plus, none of what you said has in any way justified the advantage of acceleration, especially for those that aim towards the higher UAIs. So, lay off, and refer to the topic and title...
  14. Carnivour

    Maths units

    thanks heaps :) im topping all my subjects except for x2 maths, which is a bummer. and so i was just making sure that the two subjects werent somehow linked. thanks again.
  15. Carnivour

    Maths units

    Technical question... does my X2 maths have to count for both of my X1 units to count? for eg. if my X2 final HSC mark isnt being taken into calculating my UAI, can both of my X1 maths units still be taken to count? because, at the moment im not happy with my x2 maths performace and it...
  16. Carnivour

    TSD tomorrow

    you are one of the guys that won the maths search prize, right?
  17. Carnivour

    History ext or ext 2 english?

    yes, but some people are much better at handling exams than others, hence giving them an advantage. and considering there are plenty of people that are dissapointed with their ee2 marks because they've spent a long time on their major works, but it didnt pay back. its all much of a muchness.
  18. Carnivour

    being loud and noisy

    just dig your nails into his back. then watch him scream.