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  1. M

    How was your school day?

    An okay day. Read a chapter of Emma for English. Full of crap it is.
  2. M

    2007 Economics Marathon

    Re: Testing Each Other The WTO enforces the existing WTO agreement, resolves trade disputes and advances global trade negotiations that pursue the goal of free trade. The IMF aims to maintain international financial stability. It monitors the international financial system and assists...
  3. M

    Freak-out thread

    I'm deliberately not studying for a 3u Maths exam this Wednesday, so yes, I probably won't do well at all.
  4. M

    How was your school day?

    An okay day. Watched Dodgeball in Business Studies and walked home in crap heat.
  5. M

    What did you have for breakfast today?

    Three spoonfuls of cereal.
  6. M

    What's the worst trouble you've ever been in at school?

    Oh my, that's not very nice at all.
  7. M

    Presentation Day

    Congrats on your prize Makedamnsure101. What is it for? And no, I'm not going. Haven't been since year 9.
  8. M

    Yr 12 Privileges

    Other than the swearing and priority and a little bit more respect, it's still all the same.
  9. M

    Login process to internet

    Thanks for the site.
  10. M

    School Captains!

    I'm not a school captain but I want the school to have those Christmas trees where people come and place presents under for charities. Oh, and those recycling boxes made of cardboard, there's so much paper going in the trash it's sad.
  11. M

    What did you have for breakfast today?

    I had a mushroom foccacia but sadly, the mushrooms fell off on the way to school.
  12. M

    Summer Holiday Study

    I've got two assignments, a bit of notes for some subjects and a whole lot of sleep to catch up on.
  13. M

    What marks are you seeking to achieve in 2007?

    I run to school every morning so it'd be quite hard to hold the pen to paper.
  14. M

    What did you have for breakfast today?

    Apparently, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and with the ominous HSC fast approaching, a bland bowl of cereal is what we 07's need to kickstart the day. So, what did you have?
  15. M

    sequence and series

    Yes, Airie's right on the d= -7/6.
  16. M

    What marks are you seeking to achieve in 2007?

    Sadly, it's the giving part that most people fail at.
  17. M

    Muck-up day and schoolies!

    Hmm, I'd rather not, they're too gruesome to retell. Good night.
  18. M

    Muck-up day and schoolies!

    And we rip the gills off frozen fish in bio too.
  19. M

    Muck-up day and schoolies!

    Oil and honey would be okay too.