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  1. GolfGirl97

    How's everyone going with their selective schools app?

    Ahhh, Ive still got to photocopy everything! :S Im so nervous though seeing as this is my last chance!! >< im so not prepared for Hurlstone's test :S got any tips to help prepare? :L
  2. GolfGirl97

    Chances of making it to a selective school?

    AH! it's getting close now! less than 2 weeks to go! :O I think I have finally decided what schools I am applying for: 1. St George Girls 2. Sydney Girls 3. Hurlstone 4. Sefton I hope I make it to at least Sefton >.< Im soooo nervous! Has anyone got any tips with how to prepare for the...
  3. GolfGirl97

    Chances of making it to a selective school?

    I'd say so. My dad went there. I'd say Tech, Sydney Boys and North Sydney. But that's just me.
  4. GolfGirl97

    Chances of making it to a selective school?

    Well, applications havent even come out yet. they come out around mid june. should be notified by september-ish i think.
  5. GolfGirl97

    Chances of making it to a selective school?

    oh.. well .im sure anywhere is better than my school -.- is it really that bad? my dads friends sons go there and they think its ok. (his friend went to Tech as well...) oooh i know danebank, one of my friends goes there :L it is a reallygood school but the fees are really expensive though, idk...
  6. GolfGirl97

    Chances of making it to a selective school?

    I actually want a better learning environment. My school is absolute crap and 3/4 of my year are idiots (that is not an exaggeration) i go to an all girls school and ive never seen girls more immature than the ones that go to my school. nobody is competitive and i just want to go somewhere...
  7. GolfGirl97

    Chances of making it to a selective school?

    oh thats cool, hopefully st george accept around 20 new girls. my dad went to tech :3 i feel so left out cos i dont go to a selective, even his brother and sister went to selective. his brother 2 years older than him went to Tech, his sister who is younger went to St George. hopefully I make it...
  8. GolfGirl97

    Question about partially selective high schools in NSW?

    thank you! i see... well i was planning on 13 units.. damn..i dont think im applying for a partial anymore anyway. well i guess anywhere is better than my school because my grade is just horrible. ive never seen a bunch of more immature and idiotic girls than the people at my school :/ i am...
  9. GolfGirl97

    Question about partially selective high schools in NSW?

    hey, thanks. idk how my report will be..... not feeling very confident any more. i do a few extra curriculars like duke of ed, representative sports, student leadership..... oh i see. i live less than 10 minutes from the idk if id be in area or not.. im around bankstown. thanks! i...
  10. GolfGirl97

    Chances of making it to a selective school?

    oh thanks. thats cool! i really want to get into st george so im defs putting it as first...even though now i dont think ill make it anywhere :( im begining to lose hope... i hope i can make it somewhere.. just gotta pull through these exams,...but not feeling confident about them at all >.<...
  11. GolfGirl97

    Question about partially selective high schools in NSW?

    So is Macquarie fields and Tempe definitely mixed in year 11 and 12? There's no separate selective and non selective streams?
  12. GolfGirl97

    Question about partially selective high schools in NSW?

    yeah. i actually dont know anything about year 11 subject selection yet. our school hasnt told us anything about it really. im pretty sure ill stick to 13 units ^^
  13. GolfGirl97

    Question about partially selective high schools in NSW?

    im not sure of how many units i will take, i think the subjects i wanted added up to 13 units i think but by then i may change my mind about wht subjects i want to do.
  14. GolfGirl97

    Question about partially selective high schools in NSW?

    yeah true.. idk anymore! D: yeah, that's what i was thinking, the test would be more important than your report, so if i get a good report and miraculously do well in the test id have a good chance...but i just dont know anymore!!! D;
  15. GolfGirl97

    Question about partially selective high schools in NSW?

    also, i dont know whether I should put a partially selective school, or North Sydney Girls instead.. is it hard to get into north sydney? would i be better off putting a partially selective school? im not quite sure anymore. Last year when i applied my choices were 1.Sydney Girls 2.St George...
  16. GolfGirl97

    Question about partially selective high schools in NSW?

    oh ok. thanks. so do you think it would be like that at sefton? (grading the classes)
  17. GolfGirl97

    Chances of making it to a selective school?

    Actually I was thinking... Should i not bother about applying at a partially selective and instead apply at north sydney girls? Im not sure what i should do anymore. :/ would it be better if it was 1.St George Girls 2. Sydney Girls 3. North Sydney Girls 4. Hurlstone ? or 1. St George Girls 2...
  18. GolfGirl97

    Selective Schools application

    im just worried because this is my last chance! >< i dont know, just as the year has gone on ive felt like i have less and less chance of getting in. haha yeah, but like i know a few people from school also applying and it's worrying me because they dont have extra curriculars, but we get pretty...
  19. GolfGirl97

    Question about partially selective high schools in NSW?

    aw ok. Yeah, thats true.. so which school would you suggest? Is Tempe any good or should I choose sefton or mac fields? Macquarie fields is a little far away actually seeing as I don't live in the campbelltown area. Sefton would be the closest partially selective school to me. I was just...