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  1. H


    so you've changed for the worst
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    who are you
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    because you refuse to acknowledge or actually improve fatal personality flaws (like self-entitlement) you constantly clutch to fabricated/ridiculous scape goats you can't distinguish inappropriate and appropriate actions you are extremely presumptuous and i don't think you'll ever really change
  5. H

    Finals coming up >:(

    making a forum post isn't going to solve your problems, is it do what you have to do
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    Finals coming up >:( lol at people complaining on fb there's a bus stop right outside/10-15 minute walk from campus
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    fuck you and fuck the topic this is an abuse thread
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    lol forever creepy
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    wimmin have a hard time coping with their own feelings what makes you think they want to take yours on board "because the internet articles said so" is not an acceptable reason
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    everybody wins
  12. H

    What have you eaten today?

    chai tea 500mL v hurts so good
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    i foresee shadowpoon moving to vatican city with copious amounts of roofies and a $5 wedding ring
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    Finals coming up >:(

    common sense leads me to think there's a newly built facility if so yay
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    Finals coming up >:(

    so is the middle of the racecourse newly built and not on google maps or is it just dirt or am i missing something
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    How to deal with lecturers that cannot accept that they are wrong?

    just as bad as matty g even if just trolling
  17. H

    Girls and social life

    hahahha nigeria