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  1. WeiWeiMan

    What should i do? (Going into maths year 11 related)

    bro necroposter kinda late but do math advanced and math extension 1 for prelim and drop down if you need
  2. WeiWeiMan


    yo we go way back
  3. WeiWeiMan

    DMT (de moive's theorem) q.

    1+i=√2cisπ/4 1-i = √2cis(-π/4) (√2cisπ/4)^n+(√2cis(-π/4))^n = √2^n (cis(nπ/4)+cis(-nπ/4)) =2(√2)^n cos(nπ/4) QED as req blah blah blah for part ii do as cossine said (use binomial expansion) and see what happens
  4. WeiWeiMan

    what the heck

    what the heck
  5. WeiWeiMan

    What the

    What the
  6. WeiWeiMan

    "be your own [bad word] best friend" implies that you're lonely

    "be your own [bad word] best friend" implies that you're lonely
  7. WeiWeiMan

    2024 HSC Chat

    Wake up at 6, study until 12, eat lunch until 12:10, study until 6, eat dinner until 6:10, shower until 6:20, study until 12am, sleep (lucid dream so you can study inside your sleep)
  8. WeiWeiMan

    Mathematical Induction

    You could try a telescoping sum and see what happens
  9. WeiWeiMan

    wth is that pfp also what'd u get banned for

    wth is that pfp also what'd u get banned for
  10. WeiWeiMan

    Yo wb

    Yo wb
  11. WeiWeiMan

    Vectors q.

    How about for a ‘show this’ question (like 14ci 2023)
  12. WeiWeiMan

    subject selection for yr 11 and 12 HELP!!

    Do what you enjoy I think physics is a more interesting and enjoyable subject than biology but not everyone shares the same sentiment
  13. WeiWeiMan

    subject selection for yr 11 and 12 HELP!!

    Mx1 and mx2 are each 2 units if you take mx2 If you take only mx1 and advanced, mx1 is 1 unit
  14. WeiWeiMan

    subject selection for yr 11 and 12 HELP!!

    Mathematics Extension 1 Mathematics Extension 2 Chemistry Physics English Advanced
  15. WeiWeiMan

    subject selection for yr 11 and 12 HELP!!

    I don’t think many people going into med take bio for that reason Chemistry on the other hand seems to be a prerequisite or at least good to know at some universities Scales pretty well Personally I would’ve thought physics + mx2 would help with engineering more
  16. WeiWeiMan

    Gatekeep resources prior trials

    Plz gimme
  17. WeiWeiMan

    2024 HSC Chat

    If you don’t study you'll fail and work at maccas for your whole life until you die
  18. WeiWeiMan

    Vectors q.

    I’m not entirely sure if that method gives full marks but I used a right angled triangle to find sin using cos and got 3/3 for it.
  19. WeiWeiMan

    For what values of m does y=mx-1 provide one solution to y=cos (2x)?

    it doesn't ahve to be u just need a general idea of what ur looking for may i ask how you're expected to find these values also i'm not sure but i feel like the question might want some exact bounds