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  1. _trickster_


    inspirational, repped
  2. _trickster_


    quick, touch wood!
  3. _trickster_

    Best online stores to order computer parts from

    +1 for MSY, but again yes, from experience you go into there knowing exactly what you want and why youre getting it, dont expect any help, just expect one of the cheapest prices in NSW you really gotta research before going into this kinda thing, believe me
  4. _trickster_


    thank you captain obvious, i hadnt noticed fuck youre shit personally ive been really sad about other peoples death, but not really concerned about my own but yeah this thread really is depressing to OP: if you dont wanna live for yourself then live for someone/something else, death may...
  5. _trickster_

    Ausie cricketers need sex

    "Light and Offbeat News" im pretty sure doesnt classify as: finding a random news article on the internet and then making 20 or so posts about it
  6. _trickster_

    Ausie cricketers need sex

    Im sorry what!?
  7. _trickster_

    Arrghh my shoulder...

    try using a pullup machine if your gym has one, helps you with some of the weight
  8. _trickster_

    Walking vs Running, shedding bodyfat

    godammit, i know all this its just i dont have the motivation lol srsly, if i could trade knowledge for willpower, then id be set
  9. _trickster_


    LOVE cameras that are like this, srsly, best thing
  10. _trickster_


    Me: 2 Kentucky Joe: 0
  11. _trickster_

    No brakes-No Taste

    video = best thing in thread so far
  12. _trickster_


    i read it, and why is everything always nothing? why cant it be something else? everyone seems to think if we cant prove its something, then its nothing, but what if its something else which we arent looking for? Edit: There is no point to perceptionism in the practical sense, this says: i...
  13. _trickster_

    Black Jeans

    i reckon thatd look mad actually
  14. _trickster_

    TO: high school teenagers-the cold approach

    you heard me but back on track, yes vid it
  15. _trickster_

    What to do on a first date?

    karma here being a slightly used rubber fist
  16. _trickster_

    What to do on a first date?

    why not a stool sample? breaks the ice better than urine
  17. _trickster_

    Would you say I was white, asian or mixed?

    asian, youre on BoS, thought this was a given people
  18. _trickster_

    TO: high school teenagers-the cold approach

    MLC is full of sex