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  1. K

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 09-10

    i was actually the 1000th poster. your post may be called number 1000... but it fails to take into account that the first post made was the thread start, so yours was the 999th reply... making me the 1000th poster. thanks .
  2. K

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 09-10

    one that offers like a cgi proxy. but i think you mightn't get any good free ones?
  3. K

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 09-10

    I think you need to use a paid proxy perhaps. some of the free ones i've seen don't allow you to circumvent postdata. i.e. when you login it reverts to your actual ip because the proxy won't process that sort of data. i think.
  4. K

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 09-10

    what did you want to know about proxies
  5. K

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 09-10

    We were taking a break.
  6. K

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 09-10

    leading up to christmas i was doing 8-8 each day.
  7. K

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 09-10

    may god bless his "soul"
  8. K

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 09-10

    the posts in this thread are roughly equal ambers entire postcount
  9. K

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 09-10

    try 45hour weeks at myer goony.
  10. K

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 09-10

    morning aerath
  11. K


    stop teasing them
  12. K

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 09-10

    you must challenge him.
  13. K


    Yeah it takes a few weeks for my changes to soak through the system too
  14. K


    O-week so don't worry about it til then. everyone is in the same boat.
  15. K

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 09-10

    i always found the uni site to not be user navigational friendly?
  16. K

    will i make the cut off for B Commerce?

    why does it suck? don't you think everyone else would be in the same boat? if you get like 95 don't you think that must have required band 6's.. so whats the point of everyone getting 4extra points all it is going to do is artificially raise the cutoff mark... which is what happened at unsw...
  17. K

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 09-10

    so watching films will help you get which sort of job?