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  1. Ben.Civiletti

    do the asians hard to adjust to the life in MQ?

    Re: Why you guys hate asians so much?? you do realise SIBT costs like 25000 a year and you get a shitty diploma in the end? You might not even get into mac uni lol with it. Anyways i love asians... this wesbite hates muslims, I don't mind them, but there are ideologies in here that hates them.
  2. Ben.Civiletti

    lol good to see a fellow cazbah on bos

    lol good to see a fellow cazbah on bos
  3. Ben.Civiletti

    thanks man

    thanks man
  4. Ben.Civiletti

    The Race Rankings

    bro Scandanavien women are>>>> germans
  5. Ben.Civiletti

    The Race Rankings

    lol wut? did you just finish the hsc yesterday or something? Yes these rich people you speak of reside in the States and Europe, but they are Jewish lol not Anglos... Thats why all you bogan sped-lowlifes argue oh the are greedy, oh they control everything, oh they took our white jobs etc or...
  6. Ben.Civiletti

    The Race Rankings

    yeah i agree but 46% thats insane... there would be so many eurasian offspring around everyone would be happy, also i think its a worse indicative of the white mans sexual urges than the desperateness of the asian woman.
  7. Ben.Civiletti

    The Race Rankings

    curries and asians are the new jews... the non-excessively rich jews have assimiliated so much that they have lost the jewishishness that makes them rich millionares... Australias Smartest Races: 1. curries/asians 2. jews 3. rich whites 4. arabs/iranians 5. lebs/bogan whites 6. aboriginals
  8. Ben.Civiletti

    The Race Rankings

    lol wut? you just made that figure up... You probably saw 4 asian/white couples and oh 46%
  9. Ben.Civiletti

    ha well i have a serious accoount on here too so this is troll account but its also my main...

    ha well i have a serious accoount on here too so this is troll account but its also my main account too. But this im not nebz or any of those major players lol btw what ever happened to sccissors or boxes?
  10. Ben.Civiletti

    yeah lol i'd rather take the spasm tc omie

    yeah lol i'd rather take the spasm tc omie
  11. Ben.Civiletti

    LOL cheers Omie btw with those spasms you had a while back apparently if you put 2 teapsons of...

    LOL cheers Omie btw with those spasms you had a while back apparently if you put 2 teapsons of salt into a glass of water and drink it prevents it stops it - gp advice:P
  12. Ben.Civiletti

    fuking don't give people bad rep for your shitty educational institution bitch! Realise you go...

    fuking don't give people bad rep for your shitty educational institution bitch! Realise you go to a shit uni and join the dole
  13. Ben.Civiletti

    Which is the best uni for business/commerce/economics?

    Re: Which is the best university to do B. Com. from?!?!?!?!? na man my course finishes then lol i get that alot when i give tips
  14. Ben.Civiletti

    Which is the best uni for business/commerce/economics?

    Re: Which is the best university to do B. Com. from?!?!?!?!? Lol how can you choose Mac over Usyd when you can't even get into Usyd's Bcom with your uai? And Mac is only good for actuarial studies. Not for much else. Marketing major alone and particularly if its from mac won't be looked at too...
  15. Ben.Civiletti

    Winter Break Chatter Thread (2009)

    does it feel like your ever going to fall off? like i rekon unlike a push bike i'd unable to balance the weight itd feel weird
  16. Ben.Civiletti

    Winter Break Chatter Thread (2009)

    hey does anyone know when webct 1st sem subjects will be erased and sem 2 subjects put on it?
  17. Ben.Civiletti

    Winter Break Chatter Thread (2009)

    try to be a less obvious troll
  18. Ben.Civiletti

    Re: Recent trend of racist thoughts

    oh how i pray to Allah Rohan is a troll, but i fear for his virgin soul his is not... ill pray for you night and day allah akbar allah akbar!!!!
  19. Ben.Civiletti

    Re: Recent trend of racist thoughts

    oh for christ sake stop you're dribbling Gandhi! Holly doesn't exist game over