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  1. M

    what do you mean by meth??? metholated spirits? lol

    what do you mean by meth??? metholated spirits? lol
  2. M

    How to befriend a girl

    mmm well, "A girl who seeks a boyfriend is probably looking for company and someone to converse with" this is pretty much how I feel, and this is what I'd say would be a longlasting relationship or rather a matuer one.So yes I think its correct.
  3. M

    Drug Legalisation

    Re: Why is marijuana still illegal? sooo true! I mean it was legal before.. what was the problem? smoking cigaretts is legal and we all know what that stuff dose to you, but marijuana is NATURAL... and its illegal? someone obviously getting something out of it being illegal.
  4. M

    Drug Legalisation

    Re: Why is marijuana still illegal? mmm well maybe they will still be 'phychopaths', but at least legalising marijuana would give them something else to do rather than killing people lol...anyway dose'nt it calm people?
  5. M

    Drug Legalisation

    Re: Why is marijuana still illegal? wow! I've never thought about that. There is probebly quite a few.
  6. M

    How to befriend a girl

    mmm I think 'hesaid' is really sweet for careing soo much about this girl. I think its good to ask things like 'how was your weekend'and if the reply includes her saying something she had done e.g. surfing,ask a question like 'oh cool, I didnt know you surfed.what beach do you surf at'... or...
  7. M

    Drug Legalisation

    Re: Why is marijuana still illegal? I think it should be legal but there should be some sort of control over it ... like an age limit or something.. :)