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  1. RUB!X

    Let's compare our ... MP3 Players
  2. RUB!X

    Msn 7.0.0777

    is der anyway to get rid of those annoying tabs on the left hand side on msn 7.0777 like ebay/trravel and all that?
  3. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    i have my doubts over that so called "tennis" accident
  4. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    yes i agree ... lets partay !!!
  5. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    hey Cape ... congratulations on 1000 posts in the F1 thread ~!~!~!~ *blows party sound making thingy* :p :)
  6. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    alonso's defenending was superb, with a slower car ...
  7. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    1. alonso 2. michael :p
  8. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    yeh that is the single aspect that kept michael away ...
  9. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    shuey had a faster car ... anyways alonso deserved it cant wait till next round !!!
  10. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    sheuy did not outclass alonso ... far from it
  11. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    one thing we all know here is to never ever underestimate michael schumacher
  12. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    lolz ... what the ... 1 minardi on michelin and 1 on bridgestones ... im confused
  13. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    yeh michael was awesome it has to be said ... from 13th to 2nd ... he was on fire :p
  14. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    Alonso deserved that ... great driving
  15. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    Awesome Absolutely Bloody Awesome Race !!!
  16. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    Go Go Go Alonso !!!
  17. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    well this season looks like the best in years *licks lips*
  18. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    damn unreliable mclaren ... what a race !!! m sheuy - awesome racing ... go alonso go !!! dont let him pass !!!
  19. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    pls no not even roll over pls
  20. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    Hi Cape *waves* well said ... GO KIMI !!!