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  1. ebbygoo

    Scientific Timeline

    When you make a timeline, are you allowed to put a key on the timeline, e.g putting a 1 next to the dates and then putting the event info in the key? Or do you have actually write the full details next to the date?
  2. ebbygoo

    Best approach to pulling an all-nighter

    Oh. Tried coffee yet?
  3. ebbygoo

    Best approach to pulling an all-nighter

    How's it going for you OP?
  4. ebbygoo

    Best approach to pulling an all-nighter

    This seems right down your alley OP. EDIT: I'm legit
  5. ebbygoo

    Best approach to pulling an all-nighter

    I strongly feel that these comments do not help the OP and thus are not welcome here. He asked for tips on how to stay up; not how to manage his time/schedule/study patterns. Just saying.
  6. ebbygoo

    Best approach to pulling an all-nighter

    Yeah true
  7. ebbygoo

    Best approach to pulling an all-nighter

    From my understanding, wagig doesn't really have a choice lol.
  8. ebbygoo

    Best approach to pulling an all-nighter

    You too :D
  9. ebbygoo

    The Football Thread

  10. ebbygoo

    need help deciding on a new phone

    The S4 specs are certainly very nice. Also, IMO, the thing about phones heating up is just overdramatic.
  11. ebbygoo

    Understanding Poetry

    Sure you are :p
  12. ebbygoo

    Understanding Poetry

    Would you possibly be able to expand on this a little hahahaha
  13. ebbygoo

    English Exam

    I never really thought of that. Thanks heaps :) Gunna go looking for something now cause I really like that idea haha
  14. ebbygoo

    need help deciding on a new phone

    Apple will be around for a while LOL. You seriously can't imagine the amount of capital they have sitting in their bank if you think they'll be going broke.
  15. ebbygoo

    English Exam

    Yes, but I need a wider range, and i am obviously am not going to go over the whole books again, hence why I asked. Thank you however for reminding me that I have the book and am able to get my quotes from that :L
  16. ebbygoo

    English Exam

    Hey there :wavey: Got this english exam coming up about area of study: journeys; and am looking for some quotes/links to quotes that relate to the themes of : a) Love in Catcher in the Rye and b) Innocence in Tess of the D'Urbervilles. I've tried googling, and couldn't find a compilation of...
  17. ebbygoo

    Year 11 2013 Chit Chat Thread

    Wish me luck... Eco tomorrow the one I've been saying about. Did it under exam conditions tonight 49.5 mins and its a 50 mins exam lol. Wish me luck; I'll need it.
  18. ebbygoo

    Year 11 2013 Chit Chat Thread

    What are some memorisation techniques? The classic rewriting it out 5 times?