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  1. Shadowdude

    UNSW 2015 Sem 2 Results Thread

    Update: so I was sitting on 48.125/50 before the final, and then I got 62.5/70 in the final, which gives me a final (raw) mark of 92.77 which means 93 :) *hopes they scale up*
  2. Shadowdude

    UNSW 2015 Sem 2 Results Thread

    hmm no idea English Capstone: 77-82 Linguistics - Use of Language: 85-90 Media, Society and Politics: 70-75 Macroeconomics 2: 92-97 Information, Codes and Ciphers: 92-97
  3. Shadowdude

    Maths Year 9

    general maths isn't real maths
  4. Shadowdude

    Falling for my best friend(girl)

    unfortunately i have to share the honours room with him next year, so i'm kinda spreading the word that he's a massive dickhead so that he's shamed out of not studying in the honours room ever so i have a nice, safe place where myself, my friends, and fellow wellwishers can have a room that is...
  5. Shadowdude

    Falling for my best friend(girl)

    how about fb over fb The guy we call him Judas he defriended me afterward as well
  6. Shadowdude

    Falling for my best friend(girl)

    wat I told her I liked her and then she said "soz m8, you're my bro - btw i'm dating someone else right now anyway" that someone else was one of my good friends who decided to try and sleep with her behind my back and then lie to me about it and then say "pfft, sd, m8, i don't even have a...
  7. Shadowdude

    College Accommodation?

    new college apparently has interviews source: favourite caucasian scisoc camp leader who lives at new college
  8. Shadowdude

    2015 Sem 2 Finals Thread

    Macro 2? that exam was my bitch i think i got 65/70 for it nek minnit get 74 as a final mark :(
  9. Shadowdude

    Maths in comp science?

    wat not sure if srs
  10. Shadowdude

    2015 Sem 2 Finals Thread

    unfortunately i have to ~reference~ which is a bit annoying But yeah I have 3000+ words now, gonna do my third draft, play some FIFA to get it off my mind, then make a fourth draft and then set off some flares
  11. Shadowdude

    Data mining in Lotto

    nek minnit uniform distribution from 1 to 40 or whatever it goes up to
  12. Shadowdude

    2015 Sem 2 Finals Thread

    Final paper for an arts course - 3000 words - due tomorrow: i have 628 right now Problem set to hand in for linguistics on Wednesday - sketched a response to one of five questions Macro 2 final exam on Friday *sigh* and then i'm also supposed to be meeting up with some cute girls next week...
  13. Shadowdude

    Is there a way to discretely check if a girl has STDs?

    why are y'all looking at victorian law
  14. Shadowdude

    Maths with or without humanities

    I do my degrees because I want to do them both I used to do Commerce, didn't like it - so I switched to Arts best decision 5eva
  15. Shadowdude

    Maths with or without humanities

    Sorta - you're paying for two degrees but it depends what subjects you take and the HECS contribution for each
  16. Shadowdude

    Maths with or without humanities

    Yeah I'm doing Adv Maths/Arts, I enjoy my Arts degree because I get to meet cool people and study something I like I figure it's worth the price and HECS debt
  17. Shadowdude

    Will you stay on BoS after your HSC?

    personally i just hope all the cute, nice and friendly white girls who are open to dating asian guys stay on bos so i can talk to them <3 <3 <3
  18. Shadowdude

    Extension 2 BOS Trial 2015 Results/Documents

    why "guy" why "he" why are you being sexist why are you not allowing the possibility that a girl whooped all your asses It's that kind of attitude that drives off women from pursing STEM degrees. Disgusting.