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  1. K

    Today Tonight

    sheesh... so much swearing in a minute
  2. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    Bring Back Jonathon and Victoria!!
  3. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    Maybe the producers decided to do something evil in TAR8, like capturing the children and placing them in cells for teams to find as a road block
  4. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    They reduced the age requirement
  5. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    They can do road blocks :uhhuh:
  6. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    I'm pretty sure i read 7 year old kid from somewhere. I'll try google it. But there's definately going to be children.
  7. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    yeap.... i've also heard that there is one kid in TAR8 is as young as 7
  8. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    I've heard that TAR8 is a family edition.
  9. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    Rob's a fagg0t., end of story.
  10. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    That is so true. If it was Rob and Amber, they would've left the cab driver.
  11. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    Good thing Rob and Amber didn't win the million dollars because they grabbed so many prizes. They also received a nice wedding all expenses paid for, and other stuff that was donated to Rob and Amber... that makes more than a million dollars
  12. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    Yea. I hear that a lot from Kelly. And most of the time, she's looking over at Amber and Rob, telling Ron to hurry and not contributing to the race.
  13. K

    Gay Marriage Legalised in Spain

    About a month ago, gay marriage was legalised in the entire country of Canada.
  14. K

    The Amazing Race 7

    Of course, you would too be telling the cab driving "We have to hurry, We have to hurry!"
  15. K

    Flyer's etc.

    argh ~.... i was at lidcombe the other day and this guy who was advertising something took out his hand and i had no choice but to shake it. Then i was trapped in this long conversation. How was i supose to get out of that?!?
  16. K

    Today Tonight

    If they think Kyle is mean, then they havent met Simon from American idol !
  17. K

    Today Tonight

    What was the news about Kyle?
  18. K

    usyd open day volunteers~~

    When is Usyd open day or whatever? I want to join Commerce Society this semester but i don't know how :S
  19. K

    Arcade @ Wentworth

    As if you didn't know that. From outside, you could see people noisily jumping on the machine.
  20. K

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    Sorry about my ignorance, but what is the deal with Harry Potter? Why is it so popular and what's so good about it? I've never read a page of any Harry Potter series as i thought it was a children's book...