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  1. WeiWeiMan

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    2026 is just better tho
  2. WeiWeiMan

    zhangs or ace for CHEMISTRY?

    there's no merit in doing it if you do badly
  3. WeiWeiMan

    zhangs or ace for CHEMISTRY?

    bogos binted
  4. WeiWeiMan

    zhangs or ace for CHEMISTRY?

    at least it didn't happen in the hsc also wtf 4 hours? use photomath or symbolab at that point
  5. WeiWeiMan

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

  6. WeiWeiMan

    zhangs or ace for CHEMISTRY?

    dw i got more than just sinx + cosx=1 wrong afaik i got 13biii, 13biv, 14cii wrong and maybe made some algebra errors in other questions (dunno) anyways as how to I got it wrong, i thought cosπ=1
  7. WeiWeiMan

    zhangs or ace for CHEMISTRY?

    YEAH GOD TIER CALCULATOR MAN YOU MADE ME GET SINX+COSX=1 WRONG IN THE HSC (could've been my own fault but i'd never admit that)
  8. WeiWeiMan

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    i'll wait for someone else to do it and say it was my idea
  9. WeiWeiMan

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    what are you doing in a year 10 chat when you've already graduated and gotten your atar breh
  10. WeiWeiMan

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    ngl there should be a 2026 hsc chat
  11. WeiWeiMan

    2024 HSC Chat

  12. WeiWeiMan

    2024 HSC Chat

    What the fuck
  13. WeiWeiMan

    2024 HSC Chat

    We live we love we lie
  14. WeiWeiMan

    2024 HSC Chat

    that's actually decent wtf
  15. WeiWeiMan

    2023ers send me all your resources

    from looking at the mx2 mastering math books, i reckon the advanced ones are gonna be way too hard for advanced (unless it's chill unlike the mx2 challenge questions)
  16. WeiWeiMan

    zhangs or ace for CHEMISTRY?

    ofc bro conquer on top
  17. WeiWeiMan

    2024 HSC Chat

    charge him big moneys
  18. WeiWeiMan

    How do internal marks work?

    rank is rank of cumulative mark so ur assessments marks and their weightings