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  1. _dhj_

    Anyone into Film Directing?

    Writing a script is hard. Much harder than say, composing music.
  2. _dhj_

    2007 NSW State Elections- So Why Did Peter Debnam Lose?

    Well when I say looks I meant that in a political context. So someone who looks trustworthy, caring and warm might have an advantage over someone who is shifty looking, cold and aloof. Plus the "nerd" looks is in. :p
  3. _dhj_

    2007 NSW State Elections- So Why Did Peter Debnam Lose?

    He was never going to win because he was too ugly. Looks are quite important for politicians.
  4. _dhj_

    Traveling Overseas long flights

    It is something for the company to pay for though. You wouldn't want to pay the extra out of pocket. Personally I'm a fan of airports and flying in general so I don't mind long international flights on economy class.
  5. _dhj_


    Tassie is awesome. The main attractions are obviously Cradle Mountain and Port Arthur. You will definately need a car to get anywhere though.
  6. _dhj_

    Earth Hour: Turn Off Your Lights 7.30pm, 31 March 2007

    The whole thing is like charity. It makes us feel better about ourselves but in clearing our conscience reduces our actual willingness to find a solution.
  7. _dhj_

    Recycled Water: Your Opinion

    Well I'm not sure about picking up "nutrients", you can probably get nutrients from drinking fruit juice etc. In terms of water quality though it goes like this: dodgy asian tap water < bottled "mineral" water < sydney tap water < boiled water So boiling your water first is a good idea if...
  8. _dhj_

    Recycled Water: Your Opinion

    I don't think drinking tap water helps your immune system. Actually one of the reasons why many countries in East Asia have high life expectancies despite being relatively poor is because they have a of habit boiling their drinking water.
  9. _dhj_

    Unconventionally Attractive Celebrities

    Kelly Reilly.
  10. _dhj_

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. Not from a lamer thanks.
  11. _dhj_

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. Late reply but I sat right in front of Craig Foster in that game. His running commentary was rofl.
  12. _dhj_


    There is no inconsistency between determinism and morality because determinism is the objective reality and morality is part of human perception. What's also part of perception is the illusion of individual free will. Within this illusion (illusionary only in objective terms and real in...
  13. _dhj_

    Multiculturalism: Voluntary Segregation or Fantastic Social Integration Theory?

    Howard has no policy directions. He hasn't fundamentally changed Australia in any way. His greatness lie in his ability to stay in office without leading the country anywhere. He is a great populist and no more than that. Please explain the "comrade Rudd" remark. He belongs to the right...
  14. _dhj_

    Any ways to get a travel concession for international uni students?

    Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Concession fares are a type of price discrimination designed to maximise revenue. Plus all students ought to pay less on principle because they're not earning full time.
  15. _dhj_

    Multiculturalism: Voluntary Segregation or Fantastic Social Integration Theory?

    Multiracialism??? One thing is for sure. Keith Windshuttle is definately a right leaning revisionist.
  16. _dhj_

    CityRail - still training Sydney?

    How can you even expect toilets on suburban trains though? They're not meant to be cruise liners.
  17. _dhj_

    Film society

    It's not bad. Just turn up to the films you're interested in seeing. (click film schedule)
  18. _dhj_

    Dear god, put your phones on silent.

  19. _dhj_

    New secret US base in Australia

    lol wtf? I'm a supporter of going nuclear, and the "refuse to fight for your country" accusation... you seemed to have pulled out from your arse. You ought to realise that in actual fact leftist countries have the largest armies.
  20. _dhj_

    New secret US base in Australia

    I can see how in terms of strategic location Australia is a perfect candidate for a U.S. military base. But Australia has got to understand that to be a regional force it needs to strengthen its own military(both conventional and nuclear) rather than rely on the alliance because Asian countries...