Search results

  1. _trickster_

    Girls Asking Guys Out: Good or Bad?!

    no like the simple stuff, ie the flirting and touching if you cant get those messages then youre done for
  2. _trickster_

    Girls Asking Guys Out: Good or Bad?!

    logically, it should be either girls or guys that ask each other out, seems the most obvious but srsly though guys, if you cant see the signs then you dont deserve it, play the goddamn game
  3. _trickster_

    When your mate is a dickhead...

    good on ya, ive got a mate whos like that, might do the same if its working out for you :)
  4. _trickster_

    Network Video?

    after you get the job, ask us, otherwise everything we say will be irrelevant and of no use to anyone
  5. _trickster_

    Beauty Myths

    love the beer washing one :D
  6. _trickster_

    the word Love

    It would be kinda awkward if someone said 'I love you' to you and you didnt feel the same srsly, what the hell would you do in that situation? (apart from congratulate yourself for being awesome)
  7. _trickster_

    List your crushes

    wow, you should raise your standards Zooey deschanel, hayden Panitierrie, Miranda Kerr
  8. _trickster_

    What are you thinking/feeling/doing Thread?

    thinking: about how i shouldnt think too much even though im awesome at it, about if i should ask this chick out feeling: slightly hungry doing: 'homework'
  9. _trickster_


    oh god, please dont tell me youre the one whos getting the photo taken like mid eating whilst looking at the camera and posing for natural photos are you? and the 'bad' pics (we know the ones) should be good too guys, i mean, dont flaunt the fact that in this pic it looks like youre a...
  10. _trickster_

    Need to lose 20kg :( HELP!

    lol i think you dont have enough protien shake in your diet imo lol and an important note: working out in the morning burns fat working out the afternoon burns sugar so a morning run should do wonders
  11. _trickster_


    mmm yeah sweet, thank god people have the same outlook photographs of your parents are a good reminder too and klaris, youre not alone, we've all been there lol :D
  12. _trickster_

    What do you think of girls with short hair?

    yeah again, depends if they can pull it off or not, and guys (well me), look at other things too, not just their hair
  13. _trickster_


    this has occurred to me recently in a kind of epiphany that photographs, no matter how annoying and silly they are now, will probably be the best thing in the future People avoid photographs, some people simply dont take cameras, whatever the reason the reason is usually superfluous and...
  14. _trickster_

    How to check if someone's hotmail account exists?

    this sounds rather stalkerish.....
  15. _trickster_

    Post/Recommend Your Hair/Shower Routine

    Shower: Aldi/H&S Wash face several times Cleanse using something which kinda burns but makes it look nice after i dont normally moisturise but i really should oh and for styling i either use moose or hairspray Question: what is this body gel/wash stuff? and whats the best one?
  16. _trickster_

    Angry Angus Beef Burger [Hungry Jacks]

    all this hype makes me want one i thought the mighty angus at maccas was alright
  17. _trickster_

    it would give them more business though, you would be doing them a favour

    it would give them more business though, you would be doing them a favour
  18. _trickster_

    Ways to Improve your Health in 2010?

    good luck, really should have done all that earlier
  19. _trickster_

    Man Caught Looking at Miranda Kerr On Live Televison

    like dramatic hamster look lol apparently a couple of his mates sent it as a joke in his email, and at the bottom of the email it said "TURN AROUND" hence lol
  20. _trickster_

    cock, thought so, damn i just got punkd

    cock, thought so, damn i just got punkd