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  1. _trickster_

    Poll: Greatest Country in the World

    worst fucking poll ever, srsly, have some neg rep
  2. _trickster_

    Women and the glass ceiling

    ah, so its religion - i think this thread should be moved women are equal to mean, mentally, possibly not physically as it is genetics that prevents them from being as physically equal to men, it is out of their control women are equal to men, as they have the same mindset that we have, and...
  3. _trickster_

    Top 5 Albums of 2009

    ahahahahahah i remembered why we love you :)
  4. _trickster_

    Women and the glass ceiling

    so whos troll are you? and i think its there merely as a precaution of sorts, men think that women are generally worse at things and hence, shouldnt be allowed to do it at risk of making everyone else look bad and lose their reputation people should be aware that there are women out there who...
  5. _trickster_


    lol, yeah, de_dust2, worst map evar created
  6. _trickster_

    Intel Commercials!

    bloody love these buuut, the 'co-inventor of the usb' is actually an actor :( he was my msn dp for a while :D
  7. _trickster_

    Top 5 Albums of 2009

    best of foo fighters lol
  8. _trickster_

    Game Name Game

    Bikini Samurai Squad i shit you not: Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  9. _trickster_

    Screenshots from games

    we wouldnt doubt you, you are after all, asian
  10. _trickster_

    okay awfsome

    extremely shallow way of looking at things, but it is the way society thinks we should look hence, do it
  11. _trickster_

    timer thingo

    make your goddamn sig smaller
  12. _trickster_

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    replace every BJJ with BJ :haha:
  13. _trickster_


    also, theres the almost extremely likely chance that youre gonna do jack all at tutoring anyway and hence just wasting money
  14. _trickster_

    How Happy Are You With Life?

    Happy Birthday for what its worth on the internet and i hate my fucking life cos im not invited to any goddamn christmas parties lol
  15. _trickster_

    What have you eaten today?

    fucking biggest protein shake ever i got a large thinking itd be like a pissy medium BUT NO this was like a litre protein shake also steak
  16. _trickster_

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    3x15 tricep pull downs 6x2 30Kg bench :( 15x3 lat pulldown ham curl shoulder press and moar abs: wall climbers reverse crunch that thing where you kinda alternate legs and elbows couple of weird looks lol (about my absolutely AMAZING BICEPS OOHRAH)
  17. _trickster_


    hadnt heard of tarocash looks like a more expensive and faggy version of yd
  18. _trickster_


    maths maybe as practice is key also english as essays, techniques, text types and shit not for science, espesh bio, which isnt a real science lets face it
  19. _trickster_

    What are your aims for these holidays?

    cant believe you havent gotten your L's..................... tut tut tut i might try and get ahead somewhat work out party
  20. _trickster_

    I like this girl on BOS

    apparently theres this other girl whos in a similar situation, maybe you should ask her right