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  1. williamdaft

    Quick Survey on the Pressures of the HSC

    Done. Just want to mention one of my answer, Everyone studying for their HSC, studies should be balanced with other commitments ! Balance with social life, hobbies, good sleep, plenty of water and healthy food. It all counts, and makes you happier and more relieved during your HSC year :)
  2. williamdaft

    2013 HSC Results/ATAR banter!

    no.. state ranks and band6 achievers are listed tho.
  3. williamdaft

    What have you eaten today?

    Brekky: milk + nultri-grain + 2 eggs + toast Lunch: noodles with random asian dumplings my mum made + water Evening Snack: nuts + protein shake Dinner: fish + chicken + 3 bowls of white rice + tofu + cucumber + lettuce + random asian soup Now: popcorn + water
  4. williamdaft

    2013 HSC Results/ATAR banter!

    you mean less than 2 days and 7 hours ? you must be talking about the merit list... its getting very close now!
  5. williamdaft

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    didn't really like prometheus
  6. williamdaft

    2013 HSC Results/ATAR banter!

    pretty sure we all do..
  7. williamdaft

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    twilight. sharknado. all horror movies.
  8. williamdaft

    Catching Fire

    Watching it soon. No spoilers pls.
  9. williamdaft

    best movie endings?

    shawshank redemption. the man from earth.
  10. williamdaft

    Religious affiliation

    Agnostic. Religions contradict each other and there are flaws. Don't believe in miracles. Hell's unjust. Just sayin' I don't care about religions, let's just...
  11. williamdaft

    ATAR Calculators

    Lol same about engrish.. 86 will make me so happy
  12. williamdaft

    inspirational quotes

    "I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'" - Muhammad Ali
  13. williamdaft

    2013 HSC Results/ATAR banter!

    Wed: Thurs:
  14. williamdaft

    2013 HSC Results/ATAR banter!

    Loooool. That's how I'm gonna breathe a few minutes before 6am..
  15. williamdaft

    UNSW vs USYD Commerce

    haha cool, oh really? nice - yeah I'm not a morning person either haha
  16. williamdaft

    Merit Lists on 17th December?

    which ones are you likely to get a state rank?
  17. williamdaft

    Is there anyone who never wears earphones/headphones?

    Yeah so true! It's so rude when you're talking to people and they can't hear you. Personally, I think it's more dangerous to listen to earphones if I were to walk on a busy street or road to school/uni/work.. because you won't be able to hear traffic and stuff as easily. I prefer to listen to a...
  18. williamdaft


    Yes it's possible, but as mentioned above, it's extremely unlikely. It's possible if your cohort absolutely kicks ass this year if you and the person ranked 1st both achieve high band5 / band 6, and you receive those marks for the assessment mark.
  19. williamdaft

    Merit Lists on 17th December?

    same, ermagerrddd