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  1. imZerroo

    Perfect Hair

    i like them. slim fit pantss- eh.
  2. imZerroo

    Perfect Hair

  3. imZerroo

    Perfect Hair

    flare bootcut
  4. imZerroo

    Flexible First Year

    BUMP ! anyone????? =[=[
  5. imZerroo

    how friggin long is this UAC application?

    yee im banking on that. after a few unis reject my application, imma change my preferences, but atm idk wtf my preferences are, i have only logged in once into UAC. sighhh
  6. imZerroo

    Perfect Hair

    flare and bootcut jeans..
  7. imZerroo

    Perfect Hair

    ye maybe if you've been wearing them for a long time, you probably get used to them lol. nyways btw.. scientifically proven, wearing tight shorts/jeans results in low sperm count :p :L
  8. imZerroo

    Perfect Hair

    i can never understand how guys can wear skinny jeans, tried it on once... its like suffocation down there.
  9. imZerroo

    What I hate on Television

    eofys ad down down prices are down ad
  10. imZerroo


    Hey thanks a lotttt for these notes. They are awesome, and I'm gonna sound selifish, but by any chance, could you upload your chemistry notes if they were typed as well? Thanks again.
  11. imZerroo

    Is it ok to use coloured pens in the hsc?

    ye ^ just underline, although i sometimes highlight. in english i highlight the name of text the first time i write it.
  12. imZerroo

    Flexible First Year

    Unis like USYD and UNSW offer flexible first year. I would like to know what it's all about. The special line you pick at the end of the year, will your results from 1st year influence what line you can pick or not? Are there any disadvantages of doing it? And also, Flexible Entry. Something...
  13. imZerroo

    trial papers

    i would love to but cbf scanning. did you do catholic trial?
  14. imZerroo

    Speed of Light broken: Massive implications for Science

    Re: Einstein's going down, physicists! oops.. my bad :$ ye but the point was, it's not "idiotic" to suggest that. :s
  15. imZerroo

    What is the hardest HSC subject?

    i would absolutely suck at art.
  16. imZerroo

    What are the Pros and Cons of Actuarial Studies

    my cousin is a CPA and she said actuarial studies is very specific. other degrees are very broad (acc., commerce, ba etc.), hence there arent many jobs u can apply for. dont know how true that is though.
  17. imZerroo

    is anyone else tired all the time?

    yess.... no matter if i get a 2 hour sleep or 10 hours, im always tired. imma start drinking coffee in the morning instead of cereal and all.
  18. imZerroo

    Playing games before the HSC?

    lol recently... i've been walking over to a park nearby and swinging on swings and sliding on slides. gets good fresh air, but i make sure no one's around at that time, it will look so weird.
  19. imZerroo

    Really Easy Maths Question!

    u= 2x^3 + 5x v= x u'= 6x^2 + 5 v'= 1 y'= (6x^3 +5x -2x^3 -5x)/x^2 = (4x^3)/x^2 = 4x