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  1. Aryanbeauty

    Lowering petrol tax

    Even if petrol price goes up to $ 5 a litre, it will not stop anyone from driving, simply because it is still cheap.
  2. Aryanbeauty

    Happy Birthday Israel!

    So fake, is not even reported on any reliable news website but on a palestinian website ha ha.
  3. Aryanbeauty

    Happy Birthday Israel!

    I'm stating facts as always , no propaganda here :D It was up to arabs whether to accept or reject UN partition plan cause Jews already stated their willingness to accept. Arabs rejected and blew their chances. UN didnt tell arabs nor jews to leave their lands. Both sides left their areas as...
  4. Aryanbeauty

    Zimbabwe releases $500,000,000 note

    Inflation under weimar republic in Germany was worse than this. Here is 1 Trillion Mark note in Germany
  5. Aryanbeauty

    Happy Birthday Israel!

    LOL you arabs rejected UN partition Plan which confined jews to a few coastal areas and negev desert. Instead you declared war from zero hour with a hope of killing all jews and grab all the lands, you failed and with each wars, you keep losing more lands . Arabs arrogance and hatred is their...
  6. Aryanbeauty

    Lebanon at War again!

    THis time its Shia (Hizbollock) vs Sunni :pain:
  7. Aryanbeauty

    LABOR'S IR changes likely to trigger job losses and higher inflations.

    Baby bonus are particularly good for people like Keysar Trad who has no other thing to do than have 9 children, live off government grants and bash Australians at every opportunity.:uhoh:
  8. Aryanbeauty

    Hillary Clinton OR Barack Obama?

    Obama was NOT a senator of US Congress in 2003 retard, he was senator of Illinois State Senate. He COULD NOT vote on Iraq war issues. Its like Saying Premier Morris Iemma voted NO on Iraq war LOL! :uhoh:
  9. Aryanbeauty

    Taj al-Din al-Hilali tells "Christian women to wear veils"

    That was a rhetorical question to what just asked me. Basically, you are criticising judaism because jews would not spread judaism with forced conversion, threat of rape, murder, wholesale massacre and intimidation, racism, discriminatory taxation etc. which are used by muslims to spread...
  10. Aryanbeauty


    because sreesanth is apparently a dalit (untouchable) class in India and they can be attacked by other indians with impunity :(
  11. Aryanbeauty

    Taj al-Din al-Hilali tells "Christian women to wear veils"

    Two question: Do you believe that Islam is true? Do you believe that because of lack of faith all non muslims are kaffir and should be converted into Islam and those who are unwilling to convert must be killed?
  12. Aryanbeauty

    Taj al-Din al-Hilali tells "Christian women to wear veils"

    So you are saying shite and sunni arabs are mortal enemies, since 99% of arab suicide bombers killed muslims, not american soldiers. The Bible has a map at the end which shows lands assigned to 11 Israeli tribes by God. which include all of the lands owned by Israel plus Jordan, Lebanon and...
  13. Aryanbeauty

    The Beijing Olympics

    I wonder why tens of thousands of Tibetans left rich and affluent Chinese controlled tibet to become refugee in 3rd world countries like India :D
  14. Aryanbeauty

    Taj al-Din al-Hilali tells "Christian women to wear veils"

    Is that why hundreds of arab blew themselves up daily in various mosques and markets across Iraq killing his fellow muslims? No offence to arabs, just stating a matter of fact. Speaking of holy books such as the Bible, Torah and Quran, all those books said Israel is given to the jews and...
  15. Aryanbeauty

    Taj al-Din al-Hilali tells "Christian women to wear veils"

    Exacty, whats your point of criticising a religion which profess non interference upon other people's faith?
  16. Aryanbeauty

    Taj al-Din al-Hilali tells "Christian women to wear veils"

    I'm yet to find a jewish religious leader telling non jews to follow jeiwsh religious dress code :lol:
  17. Aryanbeauty

    Griffith University the Next Top Australian Madrassa?,25197,23600451-12332,00.html :mad1:
  18. Aryanbeauty

    Nuclear Iran

    LOL an arab caring for human life? ha ha, if you care so much about human life why encourage kids tobecome suicide bomers to get virgin girls? Really what civilian target? Last time I checked Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the military industrial centre of Imperial Japan which killed more than 50...
  19. Aryanbeauty

    Griffith University the Next Top Australian Madrassa?

    You are the biggest douche. London tube bombers, WTC bombers, Madrid Train bombers, Bali bombers are all radicalised by Saudi's funds in their own countries. Good to know there's a filthy leb in taxable income strata. I thought most of you derives your income from criminal activities, robbery...
  20. Aryanbeauty

    Griffith University the Next Top Australian Madrassa?

    Yeah madrassa has become synonymous with extremism and terrorist training school, thanks to Saudi's funding of extremist madrassas in Pakistan and Afghanistan.