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  1. S

    How do you study for Biology and Ancient history?

    do i study for bio and ancient history with my notes next to me while I do past papers, or try to memorise and do the past papers without the note next to me? i am so effed fml
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    Do you think BOS will specify a poem for AOS? (P.Skrzynecki's poems)

    Advanced and Standard receive the same question for AOS right? like they couldn't specify a certain poem to write about right? Im doing Skryznecki's poems on belonging and there is like 7 poems in total, I know two because of my previous essays but Im also doing speeches for Mod B and I know...
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    Is this an effective way to study for hsc english exam?

    I have constructed a generic essay (basically its quotes, techniques and an explanation of the two written in sentences) for all my modules and a creative. I can adapt the essay to any question really and I have received a pretty good mark for them for my trials but unfortunately the essays have...
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    Is it still possible to get an ATAR of 80? :/

    I am so not motivated at all for HSC. I think I completely stuffed up my future. I go to a school where the assessments and exams are at more difficulty than other schools around my area so some of my marks don't exactly show a great weight. I am failing 2/6 subjects :vcross: and the rest of my...
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    how many quotes and techniques for a band 6 essay?

    how many quotes or techniques are required for a band 6 essay in English advanced? help a brother out asap.
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    Is the CSSA TRIAL PAPER 2013 specific for AOS? peter skyznecki poems

    my trials start tomorrow. i know AOS is for both standard and advanced and we both get the same question. so its not likely for them to be specific if your prescribed text involves 8 poems. like they wont ask for a specific poem to write about right??
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    Related Material, can you choose your own? and not do what teachers give you?

    I was wondering if i could choose my own related material for AOS and Mod C? i dont want to do the teachers ideas mainly because i was away the day she went through them so i am allowed to choose a related material myself as long as it links to the concept of belonging and conflicting...
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    TRIALS: Are we required to write about 1 prescribed text and 2 related text in essays

    For english advanced, are we required to write about the prescribed text and 2 related in the actually trial exam? Im a bit lost and stressing over time. :evilfire: I have 87% for it but want to move it up to 90+% For AOS - Im doing Peter Skrzynecki, and for the essay do we talk about one...