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  1. davidbarnes

    Greens suggest capping political donations to $1000

    They should defiantly be capped at $1000. As is clear from the 1.6 million donation, the largest single donation ever received by any party which was for the Greens, they also stand to lose a lot of funding. We don/t want the Australian political system to degenerate furthur into the American...
  2. davidbarnes

    Punchbowl KFC

    So if somone trys to (either accidentally or intentionally) order a Big Mac at Hungary Jacks you think the staff at HJ have the right to attack them??? Exactly. The video shows that. It
  3. davidbarnes

    text book for sale ! cheap! acct2522, acct3563, econ1203, fins3616, acct3708...more

    Re: text book for sale ! cheap! acct2522, acct3563, econ1203, fins3616, 100 for the lot.
  4. davidbarnes

    Reduction Formula question

    Slightly off but, deriving reduction forumale is pain in the ass.
  5. davidbarnes

    Punchbowl KFC + 50 other news articles.
  6. davidbarnes

    Boyfriends for Girls

  7. davidbarnes

    Indoor cricket competition anyone?

    Sorry but I don't like the whole racial segregation thing. There would be uproar if to play in the Australian cricket team you had to be Caucasian say (which is ridicilous obviously). Khawaja was at UNSW too, finished aeronautical eng apparently this year.
  8. davidbarnes

    Punchbowl KFC Few news articles about this today. Someone with a camera trys to order bacon at a Halal KFC in Punchbowl in Sydney and one KFC employee goes off. If I was the manager I would have fired the employee on the spot.
  9. davidbarnes

    Who supports the Green's initiative to abolish university fees?

    The greens policies are mostly good. Economics is clearly their weak point however.
  10. davidbarnes

    UNSW info page aint working.

    Site/page is up now. I went to it last year and it wasn't that useful.
  11. davidbarnes

    Help... slightly below the cut off for engineering??

    I can't remember what I got in 2 unit math althoguh I think it was band 4. First year UNSW math wasn't too bad though. Just do most of the work and you should be fine.
  12. davidbarnes

    Who supports the Green's initiative to abolish university fees?

    The Greens are not that bad. They'll be in government (on their own or as the majority party in a coalition) within out life times. Times are changing people.
  13. davidbarnes

    Who supports the Green's initiative to abolish university fees?

    Err no lol. So long as a gay person is not trying to hit on me (as I am not gay), I have no problem with gay people. Within this new decade (next 10 years), gay marriage will be legalised in Australia.
  14. davidbarnes

    Who supports the Green's initiative to abolish university fees?

    I support a lot of the greens policies though. The mining tax never should have been reduced.
  15. davidbarnes

    Who supports the Green's initiative to abolish university fees?

    I think it has merit, although the current system is not too bad at all when you compare it to the US system (or lack thereof) say. That 23 billion figure is a lot of money though. I think if it was going to be done, it would have to be only for new units enrolled (i.e. any existing student debt...
  16. davidbarnes

    Help... slightly below the cut off for engineering??

    So long as he works hand it won't be a problem.
  17. davidbarnes

    ATAR Cut-off for B Interior Architecture

    Didn't know that. You'd still have a good chance I think.
  18. davidbarnes

    Arts/Economics - thoughts?

    I've got friends doing the commerce route and arts route and they seem to enjoy them both.
  19. davidbarnes

    Unsw exams

    I agree. The MATS formula sheet we had was useless/too advanced I remember I thought.