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  1. davidbarnes

    Study System

    Re: Study Tips & Techniques Compilation Flashcards.
  2. davidbarnes

    HM Texts - need urgently

    Any help woudl still be greatly appreciated.
  3. davidbarnes

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: Who knows what they want to be when they 'Grow Up'? I've considered mining engineering, although with the mining boom in Australia 'set ot burst' sometime in the future, I wonder how viable in the long term this is in Australia.
  4. davidbarnes


    If you do a 4 year degree - say engineering, etc though ADFA, don't you then have to do 4/5 years service in the military after yoru degreee is completed or something like that?
  5. davidbarnes

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: Who knows what they want to be when they 'Grow Up'? or biology, isn't that a prereq for medicine?
  6. davidbarnes

    How much do you like your subjects?

    I'll update mine. Physics - 10 Chem - 9 Maths - 7 English - 5 E&E Science - 9 geography - 8
  7. davidbarnes

    Business or Legal Studies?

    Why drop maths, english courses etc all for just Business? Maths and English seem a lot more important to me that Business Studies. I would imagine that there is more Chemistry content to remember than Business Studies content due to the marking and scaling of Chemsitry.
  8. davidbarnes

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: Who knows what they want to be when they 'Grow Up'? What exactly is Liberal studies?
  9. davidbarnes

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: Who knows what they want to be when they 'Grow Up'? I'd doing Chemistry Physics Earth and Enviromental Science English Advanced Mathematics Mathematics Extension 1 Geography Don't really know what I want to do yet. Looking at some form of engienrring (not civil) or science course. If I...
  10. davidbarnes

    Using the Toilet during HSC Exams

    Just stick some cotton wool soaked in rubbing alcohol up there before hand. It will stop the need from arising.
  11. davidbarnes

    HM Texts - need urgently

    History and Memory. I am thinking of doing: Song - American Pie Movie - Memento + 1 more Does anyone know of an image (and not a photograph, preferably a painting) representing history and memory. It cannot be Salvador Dali's 'Persistence of Memory', does Dai have any others similar dealing...
  12. davidbarnes

    Have you moved as a teenager?

    Age: ___16_ Gender: M 1. Have you moved before your teenage years? Y 2. How many times have you moved as a teenager? 2 Once from NZ to Aus. 2nd time from SA to NSW. 3. What was your initial reaction to finding out about the move? happy and sad first time. Not so happy 2nd time. 4. How were...
  13. davidbarnes

    HM Texts - need urgently

    Could I use the song 'American pie' (about the vietnam war etc)?
  14. davidbarnes

    HM Texts - need urgently

    I've read the Hm texts thread in the appropriate forum althoguh it is not much help and the forum seems to be pretty dead. I urgently need - a H/M image to anaylse (not 'presistence of time') - a good H/M video/dvd (not Schindlers list) - a good H/M (peferably short) book (not the fiftieth...
  15. davidbarnes

    You *know* you're a physics nerd when...

    I can tell you were.
  16. davidbarnes

    You *know* you're a physics nerd when...

    Your friends kind of suck then. Most aren'y funny. Couple of good ones, but most are lame.
  17. davidbarnes

    HM Texts - need urgently

    Need 3 urgent H/M texts To put it bluntly I need 3 H/M texts very urgently. I've read The Fiftieth Gate. Would prefer a poem i can print off a picture I can print of + 1 other Thanks for any help.
  18. davidbarnes

    Should i drop MH?

    Don't drop anything.
  19. davidbarnes

    Indefinate Integral Queston.

    I too got stuck on that same question today. If you are still stuck I can post my solution if you want.