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  1. Scissors

    Why is it that I'm having HSC-Dreams now? AFTER I've finished my HSC?

    It's always the same thing: I've got one day to study an entire course and I'm never able to because something or another stops me. What really puzzles me is why I'm having these dreams now, even though I finished my HSC over a week ago. Anybody else with similar experiences?
  2. Scissors

    why is Robbery and break and enter a crime?

    that's a bit shit. ask if you can do it on bilal skaf. make up some bullshit like you've already done a lot of research on him, and you're really interested in his case.
  3. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    fuck you're pissing me off. all i hear from you is "can you do this....""can you do that..." No mother fucker! do it yourself!
  4. Scissors

    why is Robbery and break and enter a crime?

    brother, do bilal skaf. his case fits perfectly.
  5. Scissors

    Barack Obama - 44th President of the USA

    i can't even remember him in 2000. i was only like 9 years old.
  6. Scissors

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    Time for this thread to officially be closed.
  7. Scissors

    Barack Obama - 44th President of the USA

    The gap between whites and blacks that's been caused by racism.
  8. Scissors

    Barack Obama - 44th President of the USA

    Riet, I think you should return the American banner to your signature.
  9. Scissors

    Barack Obama - 44th President of the USA

    Obama is amazing. He definitely deserved to win, and hopefully now he can bridge the racism gap.
  10. Scissors


    you're as old as my dad. :)
  11. Scissors

    Anyone else put on a few kgs 'because' of the HSC?

    yeh, i have, but i've been shitting them out over the past few days, so i'm losing them.
  12. Scissors


    Oh, so I'm guessing you're circa 50 years old? I'm cool with that. After all, age is only a number.
  13. Scissors

    ATTN: People not cool enough to be invited to Nolan's. ITT: we election watch.

    NO FUCKING MORE! Potatoes are picked outta the ground.
  14. Scissors

    ATTN: People not cool enough to be invited to Nolan's. ITT: we election watch.

    Okay. I agree. Potatoes are yum when cooked in oil.
  15. Scissors

    Friends of the opposite sex

    yo chris, i had many orgasms over your baby picture. :)