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  1. im_bored

    Which do u prefer THEORY or PRACTICAL?

    i prefered theory a lot more, i love how people could all come up with an entirely different perspective of the same one piece of work. i love the layers of meaning that are waiting to be explored. i always found prac to limited at school and a little too regulated
  2. im_bored


    thank you both so much for the info, it helped heaps and now im not stressing out about losing my place and never going to uni. thanks again
  3. im_bored


    hey, just wondering if you defer are you automatically in the course for next year? or do you have to re-apply or anything? thanks in advance, im just a little confused lol :confused:
  4. im_bored

    The Official 2006 UWS Student List

    Bachelor of community welfare
  5. im_bored

    Ellie Chronicles : Incurable

    yeah i agree, definitly not brilliant, kinda boring... i found i skipped entire sections just cause nothing was happening... over all though i guess it was good cause you found out a little bout gavin