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  1. williamdaft

    After the HSC: Joining the gym.

    Go to snap fitness or anytime fitness, they're both 24/7 and have access key for you to do it anytime anywhere, and they're both cheap compared to deals offered by other non-24/7 ones like fitness first. I was about to join fitness first but realised it was $17 a week, while snapfitness was...
  2. williamdaft

    Is there anyone who never wears earphones/headphones?

    That's completely normal but it is rare for teenagers to not use headphones/earphones these days.... The majority of people use them for exercise/gym/study/leisure. But I know that feeling of letting other people use my headphones.. or if I'm using other's.. I make sure to wipe earwax off with a...
  3. williamdaft

    Digital Currencies- Bitcoin, Litecoin etc

    ..which is why I'm going to only invest a small amount at first.. but yeh massive gg if pcs got virus
  4. williamdaft

    Digital Currencies- Bitcoin, Litecoin etc

    Yeah true. I'll have a look more on litecoins. Lol
  5. williamdaft

    Digital Currencies- Bitcoin, Litecoin etc

    I've been thinking about investing in bitcoins.. have to install qt and armory first. I'm speculating.. I'm suprised how exponentially it has risen, and looking at all these articles of people who have earned so much back in the days when a bitcoin was only worth $20 ish dollars. I have to...
  6. williamdaft

    UNSW vs USYD Commerce

    yeah brah.. Don't doubt the New South! also more flexible timetables i heard ..
  7. williamdaft

    Merit Lists on 17th December?

    yeah it is.. maybe this yr's a change
  8. williamdaft

    UNSW vs USYD Commerce

    same here.. they're both on par pretty much.. unsw - more asians. usyd - more whites. ¯\(°_o)/¯ they're both good in terms of the degree and experience/resources they offer. Also, you can "check and change" your preferences after we get our results pretty sure.. And...
  9. williamdaft

    school ranks affecting atar

    ¯\(°_o)/¯ i dunno lol mm i think so .. ==> "Students can choose electives in areas such as Astrophysics, Mathematics or Computer Science in order to tailor their degree to their interests and career aspirations. "
  10. williamdaft

    school ranks affecting atar

    yeah kinda.. For commerce I can major in : Accounting Business Economics Business Law Business Strategy and Economic Management Finance Financial Economics Human Resource Management Information Systems International Business Management Marketing Real Estate Studies Taxation and for Bsc (adv...
  11. williamdaft

    school ranks affecting atar

    np, +1 you too :) yeh all the best !
  12. williamdaft

    Merit Lists on 17th December?

    yeah it evidently reads that all merit lists including DA to be released midday 17th
  13. williamdaft

    school ranks affecting atar

    student 2 goes to school rank 5 - much stronger cohort than student 1. the student will receive the 5th highest mark for his/her assessment mark (50% of your hsc mark - the other 50% is the exam mark - what you get actually in the hsc exam). Since the cohort of a 5th rank school is so much...
  14. williamdaft

    please atar estimate

    Definitely 90+ Need to improve bio, and must improve English = super important.
  15. williamdaft

    Is my ATAR screwed because of my ranks?

    Ranks affect your ATAR as they pretty much give your half your HSC mark for all your subjects. Your examination mark is the one you achieve on the HSC exam day, and the assessment mark is the one fed to you. For some people, their assessment mark might be lucky for them as they are highly ranked...
  16. williamdaft

    Estimated cut-off

    something around 95
  17. williamdaft

    What is the difference between universities, specicaly UNSW and USYD

    ^ yeah, unsw and usyd are both pretty much equal.. and I like both unis exactly for those reasons. I like Usyd's for its locality and it does seems the social life is nice there. UNSW's campus just looks fking boss but a bit far away, I need 2 buses to go there... Academically there's not much...
  18. williamdaft

    Do You Wear Glasses?

    I wear glasses but I'm thinking to get contacts soon so my peripheral vision is also good, and I do a lot of sports.. contacts are much more convenient than glasses for that reason..
  19. williamdaft

    How to control your dreams?

    Not everyone experience lucid dreams, but I've always been able to control me dreams. It's really weird.. When your dreams get to the point where you feel that you are doing something incredibly stupid (in your dream), you tend to know it but not wake up yet.. and for some people, you can...