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  1. williamdaft

    Your favourite smells?

    My brand new 3unit Cambridge Yr11 Cambridge textbook which I didn't use. Eggs. Lasagne. New shoes. Coffee.
  2. williamdaft

    14 more days.

    For you, 75-99? Woahh.. what are you expecting to get?
  3. williamdaft

    What is your iq?

    sd 15, top 0.2%
  4. williamdaft

    Merit Lists on 17th December?

    Wow.. that's scary to see if I got band 6s or not the day before our HSC results are released.. will be so devo not seeing my name :( But, that's really weird because last year, they released the DA after our results. Who knows, maybe we can have a sneak peek ..
  5. williamdaft

    14 more days.

    yeah, its just so stupid lol.. 5 more days now!!!
  6. williamdaft

    What is your iq?

    142 last year
  7. williamdaft

    Weird things you do before/while studying!

    I wash my hands too all the time before I study. I often spun my pen unintentionally and realise it when it falls to the ground. I crack my knuckles all the time. When I read aloud for my Economics and Ancient History notes, I start walking around my room and then my entire house. If I'm...
  8. williamdaft

    14 more days.

    I seriously don't understand how people can get mystery mark as their ATAR.. it's pretty much a non-attempt.
  9. williamdaft

    Weightlifting and height

    no way bro, eat healthy food, have 3-4L of water, sufficient exercise + gym. You'll be fine doing all of these. Remember to have good form when lifting - follow the instructions on the machine, or have a personal trainer or a buddy to help you out
  10. williamdaft

    How much water is too much?

    I do an hour of cardio everyday at least, and gym 3 times a week or less on busy weeks. I usually have 3L - 4L of water a day. I think with sufficient exercise / gym, having around 4L of water is good, as water helps a lot when it comes to gym =>
  11. williamdaft

    Dropping down to 10 units

    10 units is good, i did 2units accelerated. having 10 units in yr12 is good.. saves much more time. just make sure you're comfortable with the 10.
  12. williamdaft

    ATAR Calculators

    Lol me too. gives me the lowest, and it seems I can get 93+ for my worst case scenarios. I feel confident when I type in my estimates using the talent100 coz it always gives me around 96 if I type in my expected marks.
  13. williamdaft

    Who's notes do you use?

    Yeh, your own notes are the best. But using other peoples' notes are good for lazy people like me :D ... still helps a lot for you to understand concepts. I know many people from the past who just used their friends' notes in Economics and they achieved 97. Some people can benefit a lot just...
  14. williamdaft

    2013ers doing Commerce?

    Nice preferences, and yeah there's a bit of oversaturation in commerce degrees in the workplace these days. Mmm.. I don't think so, if you attend UNSW/Usyd with credit-distinction averages the theory should be fine, and definitely do a lot of extra curriculars ~ I'm planning to do a lot of that...
  15. williamdaft

    ATAR Calculators

    Which ATAR calculators do you prefer? And anyone from the past (or who have known people) who has observed how accurate it is? I personally used and some friends from the past have said their difference in actual ATAR and the estimated ATAR is only .something or 1...
  16. williamdaft

    ATAR goals

    Definitely achievable!! You're doing great with those As and top Commerce and French. Just enjoy those subjects and work hard!
  17. williamdaft

    Who's notes do you use?

    Ancient History - friend's notes. Economics - friend's notes + teacher's notes. Business Studies - friend's notes + textbook Maths Extension 1 & 2 - Past papers and formula sheet. English Advanced - My own notes + a range of textbooks/study guides.
  18. williamdaft

    2013ers doing Commerce?

    hahaha, yeah i noticed that in open day.
  19. williamdaft

    How many words can you write in 45 minutes

    On a shit day, about 800-1000. On a good day, about 1200-1400. For some reason, I wrote about 1500 words for both of my Economics essays in around 50 minutes each :)
  20. williamdaft

    2013ers doing Commerce?

    Yeah I like Usyd's location - it's closer to where I live. Asian invasion lol.. I wonder how many Asians are in Usyd BCom vs. UNSW BCom ?