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  1. Charizard

    What are you allergic to?

  2. Charizard

    I-lecture stuff

    why not go to class you lazy bastard.
  3. Charizard

    Does God exist?

    i think the absence of emytaylor gives an overall net benefit for the topic then if kfunk was present.
  4. Charizard

    Boy hanged himself after his father confiscated his new Wii

    They say that about every kid who dies. They are hardly going to badmouth him "a little boy has hanged himself tonight after being banned from his wii. However the community is largely unaffected because it is generally considered the boy was pretty shit.
  5. Charizard

    Does God exist?

    This line of argument seems all a bit too exisentialist to me.
  6. Charizard

    general UNSW chit-chat

    You're right Razizi. The username Razizi and an avatar of viva la vida clearly trumps that of a fire breathing kick ass holographic card dragon.
  7. Charizard

    World Youth Day 08

    Yes it should.
  8. Charizard

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Wow fuck you are a tool.
  9. Charizard

    2008 tax return thread

    i don't think you can claim the laptop? maybe the depreciation though. Not sure.
  10. Charizard

    Does God exist?

    BradCube is a refreshing change from 'no u emytaylor164"
  11. Charizard

    Does God exist?

    emytaylor164 is a stazi troll.
  12. Charizard

    Does God exist?

    Schroedinger's attack was super effective! emytaylor164 fainted!
  13. Charizard

    Does God exist?

    You really are delusional. Jesus christ. (lol pun)
  14. Charizard

    Does God exist?

    That wasn't his point though.
  15. Charizard

    2008 tax return thread

    no you don't have to do it. No point
  16. Charizard

    Does God exist?

    I think a lot of atheists think in a similar way when they think about the rules to get into heaven
  17. Charizard

    general UNSW chit-chat

    No need to lie. We all know you don't actually have any friends.
  18. Charizard

    Does God exist?

    dont you know ? science is boring.
  19. Charizard

    Does God exist?

    How was god created then ? If you say "he was just always there" its essentially the same thing no ?
  20. Charizard

    Does God exist?

    It must be true then. The bible said it guyz.