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  1. WeiWeiMan

    Year 11 Phys and Chem

    If he’s HSC 2026, it’s rly only 1 year accel right
  2. WeiWeiMan

    Why SDEHS papers so hard MX2

    can't access link
  3. WeiWeiMan

    Private vs Selective

    1st in kings school seems pretty cracked
  4. WeiWeiMan

    2024 HSC Chat

    Ima fail (predicted marks in signature)
  5. WeiWeiMan

    2024 HSC Chat

    accept your fate and give up :O
  6. WeiWeiMan

    when are encore (music) selections announced??

    they were announced mid november, if you didn't get notified of it, you probably didn't get one.
  7. WeiWeiMan

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    Nah what is this BS. Asking for predictions from people and not giving their own? Also for 2u maybe 95-98 (If I didn't colossal blunder)
  8. WeiWeiMan

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    It's unlikely anyway
  9. WeiWeiMan

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    ~48 if I'm super ultra mega lucky pro Max for 3u
  10. WeiWeiMan


    it's better
  11. WeiWeiMan


    Just put it down to give a neutral position?
  12. WeiWeiMan


    This may be a controversial opinion but I think all toilets should be gender-neutral cuz I don't wanna be on the verge of pissing myself while the female toilet is vacant
  13. WeiWeiMan


    I'M HAVING A ZEZIR Bro I know it's just an opinion and what I'm saying is just an opinion but is there any evidence supporting your claim that being transgender or just having pronouns in your bio is a mental illness? What justification do you have apart from it not adhering to societal norms?
  14. WeiWeiMan

    BoS meet up

    It's quite fitting really
  15. WeiWeiMan

    BoS meet up

    what the heck
  16. WeiWeiMan

    Does God exist? Part 2

    prob similar to teen proportion of atheist ngl
  17. WeiWeiMan

    Vectors Practice Questions

    While vector projections is the intended solution to 14ci (I think), I didn't solve it that way and you can definitely solve it another way. Cross product isn't in syllabus and I recommend just learning dot product anyway