Search results

  1. RUB!X

    Soccer World XI

    serious? wwwooooaaaaaahhhh
  2. RUB!X

    Mp3 players

    iriver is all quality ... i have iriver ifp-595 512mb player picked it up for $429 about 9 months ago ... i recommend iriver for sure ...u can proly pik up a 256 player for about $300 area ... ifp 300 series are going for bargain prices if u like battery players (singleAA) ... 500 series...
  3. RUB!X

    "HERO" the MOVIE.. WHO's SEEN IT? LOVED IT? -> possible SPOILERS depending on others)

    the plot was lacking ... yes lol but i like the fight scenes :p
  4. RUB!X

    Soccer World XI

    repetitveness ...
  5. RUB!X

    Favourite NSW surf spots

    curl curl has nice breaks a higher % of the time then any of the other beaches listed although i never been any of the beaches in the top two choices ...
  6. RUB!X

    Soccer World XI

    -zagorakis and its decent ... :p
  7. RUB!X

    "HERO" the MOVIE.. WHO's SEEN IT? LOVED IT? -> possible SPOILERS depending on others)

    watched it today ... great movie ... cinematography was execellent ... 8/10 recommended
  8. RUB!X

    Westpac maths comp

    Got A Credit
  9. RUB!X

    Ret 2004 Results

    Omg Peter 94 Wtf ??? U Smart One
  10. RUB!X

    Ret 2004 Results

    78 damn i sux ...
  11. RUB!X

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    yeah ... all 26 of us :p
  12. RUB!X

    Post your desktop screenshot.

    new and improved
  13. RUB!X

    Resolution Size...what do you have?

    GF4MX440 lol *shamefull i know*
  14. RUB!X

    Murali Reinstated

    lol not this again ...
  15. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    He wont lose his seat as long as the Hungarian government pays for his seat ... and keeps minardi alive :p Look he gained alot of experience this yr in a shit car and he managed to get a point so go BAUMGARTNER ...
  16. RUB!X

    Murali Reinstated

    that is the biggest load of shit i ever heard ... stupid icc ...
  17. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    lol yay ... another baumgartner fan !!!
  18. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    klein rookie of the year pffft ... baumgartner by miles ...
  19. RUB!X

    Post your desktop screenshot.

    where do u get those cool add on desktop enhancement thigys like calanders/notes/weather/tv guide etc ... are there any free ones ??? any links ... many thx in advance
  20. RUB!X

    Resolution Size...what do you have?

    i have my rrefresh rate on 100hz ... easier on the eyes ...