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  1. G

    AoS: Spirited Away (help)

    hey, i've seen that movie and i forgot how good it is for an imaginative journey related text.... to avoid story telling, i'd suggest trying to stick to the themes etc, and only fleetingly refer to the texts... eg. in a quote that sums it up... havent seen the movie in ages though, so couldn't...
  2. G

    Retreat From The Global

    I agree. I am currently writing a stupid speech trying to sell either global or local... and I can't find ANYTHING at all to assist me in either. so far, i've written that global is better because you have money..... :S so i feel your pain.
  3. G

    Spending a few days in Korea

    I'm adopted from Korea and went back a few years ago to visit... it was a really really nice place and I suggest you go to ALL the shops and markets. lol They're really awesome and sometimes, if you're lucky you find things in the streets... I found a bracelet which, when I returned to the city...