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  1. K

    Ethical, social and political.... / One gene, one polypeptide

    So all Tatum and Beadle did was mutating genes and observed the amino acids produced? I read this article which said that they crossed mutated moulds to normal moulds. Is that true?
  2. K

    Ethical, social and political.... / One gene, one polypeptide

    Hmmm i'm confused again... this mould mutation meant that it's now a different specie and therefore produces a different kind of amino-acid. Is that correct?
  3. K

    Cochlear implant and hearing aids

    Why do we need to know future directions of research. We're just evaulating a hearing aid and a cochlear implant.
  4. K

    Ret @ Uws

    Are you transferring if you don't make the cut-off at University of Sydney?
  5. K

    Ret @ Uws

    actually nevermind.... It's only for those who want to apply in UWS
  6. K

    Ret @ Uws

    Is that STAT test can only be used at UWS? On the letter it says: "... you are registering to sit the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) to be eligible for the University of Western Sydney's Regional Entry Test (RET) scheme. It is not an application for tertiary study." I need to sit...
  7. K

    ....understanding and describing acid/base reactions

    hmm.. what do you mean by 'name your sources'?
  8. K

    ....understanding and describing acid/base reactions

    What's the difference between: - gather and process information from secondary sources to trace developments in understanding and describing acid/base reactions. and.. outline the historical development of ideas about acids including those of: - Lavoisier - Davy - Arrhenius...
  9. K

    new elelments

    There's a thread on the main chemstry forum about this dot point
  10. K

    need info on a chem syllabus dot point

    What the ... where's that dot point in the syllabus?
  11. K

    Ethical, social and political.... / One gene, one polypeptide

    Yea it does! So... the x-ray mutated the genes, and this mutated gene 'stuffs up' the mould's ability to produce a certain animo acid. Hence, the mutated gene would create some other amino acids that it did not intend to make. And this shows that a specific gene would make a specific protein...
  12. K

    Ethical, social and political.... / One gene, one polypeptide

    So what was the point in mutating the moulds? How does it show the 'one gene one protein' hypothesis? Sorry about this... i find it confusing :(
  13. K

    Ethical, social and political.... / One gene, one polypeptide

    I still don't get the one gene one polypeptide hypothesis. Why did they expose bread mould to x-ray and how did this mutate it. From what i'm thinking, the x-ray kills the gene and that is why the moulds can't produce the amino acids.
  14. K

    HELP! :'( need notez!

    There's a textbook called "option- Communication" and it's very good. It structured with dot points and explanations under those dot points, though it's $30. I do not recommend EXCEL... but it has some nice summaries and diagrams to increase your understanding. I agree that Biology is an easy...
  15. K

    Secondary Source investigation

    How do you "Justify the appropriateness of your secondary source investigation plan and evaluate the way in which accuracy and reliability were ensured in your investigation "? Do i just quote from the H12 outcomes that i ensured accuracy and reliability by "accessing information from a...
  16. K

    First Hand Investigation

    Is this the prac on enzymes in 'biochemstry of movement'?
  17. K

    Lunch Time

    library ^_^
  18. K

    technology for prevention of blindness from catacts

    I was just about to say that. I think we only need to study one surgical procedure looking at the technologies involved.
  19. K

    Forum upgrade

    hmm... i dont like this upgrade. It's rather dizzying to look at.