Search results

  1. thongetsu

    Things that annoy you.

    i was da kidding :(
  2. thongetsu

    Things that annoy you.

    Yeah, like a [insert some new trend] persona.
  3. thongetsu

    lebanese female voices

    already thread on this.
  4. thongetsu

    Things that annoy you.

    last page tells it all
  5. thongetsu

    Things that annoy you.

    You're smoking everywhere ;)
  6. thongetsu

    Things that annoy you.

    Oh. It smelt terrible! I got out of school and had to walk home while inhaling it :(
  7. thongetsu

    Things that annoy you.

    hey its smoky in fairfiled as well. What is going on'?
  8. thongetsu

    ip man 2

    lololol my friend said it was really really good
  9. thongetsu

    Is this job offer a scam???

    hmm so thats what tl;dr means.
  10. thongetsu


    that is whack!
  11. thongetsu


    Nobody cares.
  12. thongetsu

    I'm eager for my report mark. Everyone in my grade stopped going parent teacher night after year...

    I'm eager for my report mark. Everyone in my grade stopped going parent teacher night after year 8. Cheers to making sure our parents never meet our teachers!
  13. thongetsu

    I've gotten marks but not ranks. You?

    I've gotten marks but not ranks. You?
  14. thongetsu

    Things that annoy you.

    gah i hate it when this happens!!!!!!!!!
  15. thongetsu

    chem bio and maths ext1

    chem bio and maths ext1
  16. thongetsu

    Year 12 Muck Up Day Ideas

    sarcasm, you dumbfuck.
  17. thongetsu

    Decarbonating soda water

    What would the conclusion be for this prac?
  18. thongetsu

    masterchef cheats!

    In that case. Shit troll.
  19. thongetsu

    Need help!!!

    internet slang in an exam is not preferred. Also writing words can help you get marks.
  20. thongetsu

    Help me with changing class issue from standard to adv

    keep pestering the principal.