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  1. davidbarnes

    Two volume/integration questions

    I just don't know how to do these two questions. The textbook doesn't have examples like this which makes it hard, so would appreciate it if somone would be kind enouhg to show how to solve these. parts b and c a and b Thanks again if anyone can help.
  2. davidbarnes

    HSCedge Online: $300 worth of HSC resources, FREE!

    Sounds like you gus were fooled/scammed.
  3. davidbarnes

    anyone doing primary 2005?

    You just let me win. Thankyou.
  4. davidbarnes

    dot point never done, HELP!

    If you knoe the theory of the experiement from the jacandra book, then that should be enough.
  5. davidbarnes

    boring HSC course?

    I am the opposite to you. I liekd urdan dynamics, etc but not ecosystems/biological stuff so much.
  6. davidbarnes

    boring HSC course?

    I liekd it. I like people/cities/dynamics much mroe than say ecosystems.
  7. davidbarnes

    Does This Seem Right?

    So if you couldn't access it because you were away, then how did she tell you what UAI you got? If by phone, etc, then why could you not have rung up to find out?
  8. davidbarnes

    How much do you like your subjects?

    Physics - 10 Chem - 8 Maths - 6 English - 6 E&E Science - 10 geography - 7
  9. davidbarnes

    Quick question on projectile motion

    I always use -9.8 m/s. As that value always acts on a projectile whether it is moving up or down.
  10. davidbarnes

    Have you never moved?

    Do you mean 'moved' instead of 'never moved'?
  11. davidbarnes

    I got 30 or below UAI.

  12. davidbarnes

    How many hrs per night?

    我很抱*的人在这里谁是在亚洲方面,以我以前的职位。世界上值得和谐-*们应该和谐,和我一*。我们来到,我们看到了,我们被征服。好运,在高速船, 2008 。自由西藏!香港独立! !
  13. davidbarnes

    anyone doing primary 2005?

    I would be happy to attempt it. It is enjoyable. More fun than lernign Maths anyway. Woudl liek to see you learn maths though. Labour is awesome. Only thing that woudl beat Labour will be a Communist party. As for why NSW needs a primary Indisustries MP? Waste of money in my opinion. They...
  14. davidbarnes

    Past Hsc Geographers

    I'm doing it, but don't have notes yet. Try the reources section. Its not like its a hard topic. You're textbook is the best resource.
  15. davidbarnes

    How many hrs per night?

    Who cares if you are Asian? We are all humans. We all live together. We are a multicultural society. We tolerate. We forgive. We cheirsh. We love.
  16. davidbarnes

    should I drop legal studies or chemistry?

    Dop Legal. Do chem.
  17. davidbarnes

    Anyone repeat ever?

    So OP, how did you go?