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  1. davidbarnes


    I hate dance. I hate msuic. I hate fun.
  2. davidbarnes

    How well did u go for first HSC assessments?

    Engish - 81%, rank unkown although is quite good Maths - BAD Geography - 90% - 1st I beleive E&E Science - unkown - willing to put money I am 1st or 2nd. Chemsitry - 90% - 2nd Physics - unknown
  3. davidbarnes

    How well did u go for first HSC assessments?

    2nd in Chemsitry!!!!! I'll post the rest later.
  4. davidbarnes

    How well did u go for first HSC assessments?

    2nd in Chemsitry!!!!! I'll post the rest later.
  5. davidbarnes

    Video Games: Do you have time anymore?

    If they are 'tards' and don't know what 'check' means then would you not win and take all their money and be laughing all the way to the bank?
  6. davidbarnes

    Video Games: Do you have time anymore?

    i play when I want. I.e if I'm not dojng anthing I might play PS2 (I'm not bothering upgrading yet) for an hour or so Friday night, or when I just feel lazy. Haven't played it in several weeks and played it for a bit tonight as i just didn't feel liek studying. Also play a 15 miunte webgame...
  7. davidbarnes

    Keep On Task 01

    My Keep On Task thread, inspired from
  8. davidbarnes

    Dreadful HSC start

    I didn't do as well as I would have liekd or though I woudl either.
  9. davidbarnes

    First Hsc Assesment

    Case study on GBR. Hand in 10% and Essay 10%. Haven't got marks back yet.
  10. davidbarnes

    sleep deprivation for HSC students

    I don't think you do. But without sterotyping, look at those who do succeed and do exceptionally well, most (not all) will study 6/7 hours a day and to do that you can't always go to bed at 11pm as desired.
  11. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    You should have watched Black Sheep. New Years Eve, studying Jachie lol.
  12. davidbarnes

    That Pin NUmber thing

    How do I find out my number?
  13. davidbarnes

    Year 12 Jerseys

    Whats wrong with 'poly'? I just got my first name.
  14. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    'jack da rip' 'jack in da box' 'jacky' 'jachie'
  15. davidbarnes

    What is this religion?

    It is none of the above religions. Furthur info: This religion 'used to' (sic) have a special holiday where it was encouraged for people (married or unamrried, male or female) to engage in sexual activity with other partners, altohguh for that one day only. I beleive that 'holiday' is now no...
  16. davidbarnes

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: Uni aspirations. I'm not sure yet either. Althoghu it will defiantly be soemthing to do with sceince/enginerring. If that fell thoguh and I didin't attain the marks, would look at somthign in business or traching, and if that all fell through I would try my hand at being a flight...
  17. davidbarnes

    Need help with 2 prac questions

    We didn't use a stopwatch or time it in anway when we done this.