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  1. davidbarnes

    sleep deprivation for HSC students

    Went to bed at 4:15 am yesterday mronign, then got up at 6:57 am for school.
  2. davidbarnes

    sleep deprivation for HSC students

    I don't think I'll even get to go to bed today. I've got so much wor to compelte and its 11:30 now. It will take at least 4 hours I reckon for one thing, then anotehr 1/2 hour each for 2 others, so at least 5 mroe hours to go for me.
  3. davidbarnes

    Need help with 2 prac questions

    With the 'Analysis' part, how would I do question 3? With the 2nd prac above again its with the 'Analysis'. How woudl I do question 1 and 2? Has just got me confused that one. A speedy reply would be greatly appreciated.
  4. davidbarnes

    bad handwriting

    'but I does not want to" - if you don't want to why did you bother asking here?
  5. davidbarnes

    Help With Condensation

    Is this it?
  6. davidbarnes

    Think you knwo the answer

    No, its a multpe chocie for godsake!!! It is either greater than 7 or less than. 7 is neutral.
  7. davidbarnes

    Think you knwo the answer

    Lol. Alright we'll give you an easier one. Does acid rain have a PH greater than or less than 7?
  8. davidbarnes

    Syllabus progression how far are you?

    Up to 9.2.4
  9. davidbarnes

    Think you knwo the answer

    Possibly, but I think you can come up with something better.
  10. davidbarnes

    Cornell Note Taking - PDF Generator

    Heres a nifty little web app, it designs pages based on the Cornell Note takign system. You can speify fields to be inclduded, darknes of lines, lines/no lones/grids, size of lines and paper, etc. Is a really good app and then the custom pages can be printed. It is free...
  11. davidbarnes

    sleep deprivation for HSC students

    Earliest I'll go to bed will be 1:30 but I don't have to get up until 7:30 tomorrow morning.
  12. davidbarnes

    Think you knwo the answer

    Can anyone think of two postitive imapcts that humans have had on the GBR? I've got tourism and a bit abotu economics and fiance its helped, althoghu need 2 more. Prizes for best 2 responses I can use. You've got 2 hours (till 5).
  13. davidbarnes

    How do you prefer to learn?

    Depends on subejct. Matsh - read examples, practice questions Physics - write out most of book Chem - suamrrise!!!! Eng - Just copying notes
  14. davidbarnes

    is ag dead??

    Agricultrue is for drongos who can't do well in nay other science subjects.
  15. davidbarnes

    sleep deprivation for HSC students

    I went to bed at 3:04am, got up at 6:56am.
  16. davidbarnes

    Chemistry Humour.

    Nice find.
  17. davidbarnes

    sleep deprivation for HSC students

    I'll be up till at least 3:30/4 this morning. So it will be 3 to 4 hours before I go to bed. Then have to get up at 7.
  18. davidbarnes

    sleep deprivation for HSC students

    You never heard of saving to a USB? They're what, $10 now for a 1GB one?
  19. davidbarnes

    do u guyzz still do the assignment in the last minute???

    Th closer a deadline gets the more productive I become and the better the final result. Doign something weeks ahead isn't a good option for me as i forget the content, is usaully not quite as good as if I do it last minute, and I haven't learnt all fo it/got all help I can until that last week...