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  1. _dhj_

    Oscar 2005 Thread

  2. _dhj_

    Match Point

    Re: Anyone seen Match Point?? It's superb! :) There's already a thread about it
  3. _dhj_

    Lindsay Lohan! So Hot!

    What's so good about Lindsay "proletarian" Lohan? She's quite average looking and has no acting talent.
  4. _dhj_

    Match Point

    I loved it! :D
  5. _dhj_

    Delta Goodrem

    Not me, Not I. Delta is sexc!
  6. _dhj_

    Movie that made a great impression on you

    Gah.. Amelie pissed me off. I hate fairytales!! =/ Another interesting recent (sorta) film is Magnolia.
  7. _dhj_

    Movie that made a great impression on you

    Superb! But I don't think films actually give you new perspectives. A film speaks to you by reinforcing your worldview rather than challenging it. For me this film would be Lost in Translation of course ;)
  8. _dhj_

    Movie that made a great impression on you

    Citizen Kane is new?
  9. _dhj_

    Semester I Timetable (2006)

    Here is mine:
  10. _dhj_

    2006 USYD Law I

    Omg you freak!! :p I thought going to court was good enough prep but looks like some people are waay ahead lol
  11. _dhj_

    Most Beautiful Women

    She is sooooo overrated...
  12. _dhj_

    Poll - do you care about poverty

    Don't know if you were trying to be funny, but I'm actually this sort of person...
  13. _dhj_


    Umm... I promoted in my first season :p (plus I was allocated a pretty decent team)
  14. _dhj_

    Movies you're looking forward to

    I'm loving the teaser with the quirky New Order music :)
  15. _dhj_

    Movies you're looking forward to

    Not sure if there's already a thread for this... For me: Match Point Marie Antoinette (don't know when that's gonna be released :( )
  16. _dhj_

    Most under rated movie

    Ghost World Surely deserves to be recognised as a modern day classic. I reckon it's better than American Beauty.
  17. _dhj_


    That is correct. Battrick kept me interested for like 2 months (even though I was in div II). Still playing Hattrick after 3 years.
  18. _dhj_

    Profile - Political Views

    Where's theocracy? Surely that's a major one with Australia soon becoming a Muslim nation and all...
  19. _dhj_

    Most Beautiful Women

    As if knock Hingis she is class.
  20. _dhj_

    which topic is hard?

    Exactly. They're most likely not going to be the "hardest" topics. ;)