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  1. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Whats a slipnot?
  2. Omium

    B Engineering/B Arts

    Degree is called Engineering / Arts When you get accepted into UNSW and your enrolling something will pop up saying "Which Engineering Major" and a big list will come down. Simply pick civil. Secondly, For arts, you dont specify your major, basically you just pick 48 UOC...
  3. Omium

    Engineering Commerce

    lulz No disadvantage.
  4. Omium

    Proportion of Jewish Nobel Prize Winners

    // Waits for the Jew who says "Jews are genetically predisposed to being more intelligent".......
  5. Omium

    "a higher uai suggests greater chance of succeeding at uni."

    Oh wow, Way to go off on a tangent. I repeat, if you had $50 000 to bet would you put it on the 99 UAI student or 60UAI student? End of story. On AVERAGE higher UAI people will do better that LOW UAI people
  6. Omium


    Werent u a mining engineering student?
  7. Omium

    "a higher uai suggests greater chance of succeeding at uni."

    If you had $ 50 000 to bet on two people suceeding at university. Student "a" got a UAI of 99 Student "b" got a UAI of 60 Who would you place your $50 000 on? I wonder........ If you can't be bothered studying at high school you sure as hell won't suceed at uni. (waits for...
  8. Omium


    Dude.... Please, If you dont know what your talking about. dont give advice. HE ABSOLUTELY NEEDS EXTENSION 1 MATHS. you'll have to work very very hard if you havent done extension 1 maths. They should really have "Ext 2 preferred" on all engineering course descriptions...
  9. Omium

    UNSW Open day.

  10. Omium

    What do you hate about USyd

    OMG, Usyd People COPY MY THREAD ! Pfft..... :vcross:
  11. Omium

    Summer Sesh.

    I initially wanted to do a Mining Elective.... It seemed pretty awesome. they teach you about explosives used. and Industrial visits are part of the course. I wish i did it.... Stupid clashes :(
  12. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    lol will do :)
  13. Omium

    Summer Sesh.

    Yer i wanted to do them. but they dont offer 1D in Summer School.... They offer CHEM 1B in summer... so i wanted to finish it quicker :)
  14. Omium

    UNSW - How much to pay to get in?

    I agree. Uni is much more fast-paced and subsequently "harder", If your struggling to get a 50UAI you might not be cut out for uni. Consider TAFE/ Something Else?
  15. Omium

    Summer Sesh.

    I freak'n LOVE CHEMISTRY Thats why im Doing a Chemical Engineering / Chemistry Double degree :). Chem1A seems pretty straight forward, However at times they dont really explain things properly. and i sit there wondering "If i didnt have a background in Chem would i understand what...
  16. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    I want attention :(
  17. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    I can't Believe that a Thesis for Chemistry should be 200-400 Pages Long and not exceed 100 000 words . Wtf how does anybody survive?
  18. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Write it backwards
  19. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat
