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  1. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Love the dog
  2. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    hectic Allows us nerds to get ahead :)
  3. Omium

    Post Your Pics!

    Its like MOVVINGGG mountains!!!! (usher)
  4. Omium

    About dropping course

    What course do you want to drop?
  5. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Fuck, the dude in your pick never gets tired :S :rolleyes: I watched him for a while :S :shy:
  6. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Those are last years summer classes Forbid you decided on which stream of engineering you gana do?
  7. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    weirdest combo ive ever seen. On another note..... If any of the higher students know.. How hard is it to get a lecturing position while getting your PHD?
  8. Omium

    Toilet Tennis

    lol best one yet
  9. Omium

    What is your ultimate UNSW uni fantasy

    lol. Man that was so irritating at school. Once people realised they could rub their feet on the ground and shock people...... All hell broke loose
  10. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    I swear i was just about to make a thread about the EXACT thing last night.
  11. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    Yes, i transferred from eng/comm to eng/sci Since its an internal transfer its very easy It literally took me around 3mins to do. But it takes a while to process (after you complete the thing) I think you will have to wait for semester 1 2009 to make it "official" I cant remember where...
  12. Omium

    Post Your Pics!

    Dont you have a HSC to study for? On another note, How come our session quota for CSE is only 140Megabytes? WTF 140MB I downloaded one 300MG file and now for the entire session my internet is going to go slow...... How can they expect us to survuve on 140MB for a semester
  13. Omium

    how was your first day at uni?

    lol we were bored :shy: (We were also conducting a social experiment)
  14. Omium

    Post Your Pics!

    lol, There in the upper campus food court. I didnt even know a Quad food court existed? Where is it?
  15. Omium

    Post Your Pics!

    Hokkien yer !! Whats wonton
  16. Omium

    Post Your Pics!

    \ ROFLL, I thought it was you cause of the hair. Then i thought to myself "If he isnt i would look like the biggest idiot " You'll never find me :)
  17. Omium

    Post Your Pics!

    Omg I love the long noodle thingies in the food court (I think they're called Hoki) Ive eaten them every day of uni this semester. (Better than my "Every day Maccas diet" ) Anybody else a big fan?