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  1. E

    Thoughts on Paper 1 of the CSSA Trial Exam

    I had to read Heritage Home a few times and then it clicked. Makes perfect sense (but i admit it was a little abstract).
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    yeah i know this is annoying...

    that's because english advanced is a f*%king joke (excuse the french). the top ranks in advanced have been invaded by many retards who couldn't speak or write proper English to save their life. They spam techniques and regurgitate essays - apparently that makes them good at English. /vent
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    yeah i know this is annoying...

    ...but can you pretty please estimate my uai? I'm looking to get over 85 SOR 2/60 Physics 9/25 Chemistry 1/30 English Adv 20/65 English extension 1/12 mathematics 4/45 maths extension 9/20 school is ranked in low-mid 200's. thanks (i hope they stay the same after the trials tbh)
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    Well it's only in q 2 of the exam paper...
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    yeah 720 would be correct if they said that the vowels and consonants alternate or something like that..
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    yeah you're right. wtf am i thinking? anybody tell me why i got it right?
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    Well the way I saw it was that there were 5 consonants and 4 vowels. EEIO (vowels) + XTNSN (consonants) the line must look like this: CVCVCVCVC therefore consonants can be arranged in 5!/2! ways vowels can be arranged in 4!/2! ways then (5!/2!)(4!/2!) = 720
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    is answer 720?
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    binomial q

    Got a couple more q's i need help with: 1. i)Write down the Binomial expansion of (1+x)n. Hence show that nC0 + nC1 + nC2+...+ nCn = 2n. 2. i)Find greatest coefficient in expansion of (1/3 + 2x)18. -->I don't have any problems working out that r is less than or equal to 15 2/7 - i just...
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    binomial q

    [/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri] ok i think i get it now. thanks namu and poster above
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    binomial q

    Hey guys; find, as a rational number, the coefficient of x in the expansion of (x2 + (1/2x))8 I know this is an easy question, but i can't seem to do it. My thinking: coefficient of x means the coefficient of the 1st term i.e. nC0 right (but it doesn't work out)?? or am i doing this...
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    Easy integration

    ah ok. I wouldn't want to venture there. ;)
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    Easy integration

    cheers and thank you.
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    Easy integration

    Just checked and yes, you are correct! It's weird i've never seen that before... so could someone show me the working or do i just accept this as a standard form that i must memorise?
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    Easy integration

    that's what i thought, but apparently not. the answer (from terry lee textbook) goes: dt/dx = 1/sqrt(1+x^2) t = ln(x+sqrt(x^2 +1)) + C how did they get to that?
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    Easy integration

    for some reason (god knows) i can't integrate the following: 1/sqrt(1+x^2) any help at all would be really appreciated!
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    Too much?

    thats another thing...we choose differently. We put down our preferences and the teacher/computer chooses the subjects based on those preferences, not us. This is quite crap. i wish i could choose using the lines system...
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    Too much?

    Is it so uncommon to do both English Ext. and Maths Ext.? Is this common for schools to run them at the same time?
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    Too much?

    I'm in the process of chosing my senior subects and was wondering what people thought about my preferences: English Ext 1 Maths Ext 1 Chemistry Physics Studies of RE 1 Music/Economics Is this too much? I shouldn't really count my chickens before they hatch, because my school has a tradition...