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  1. RUB!X

    Amazing RAce!

    ROFL ... (Y)
  2. RUB!X

    The Apprentice

    YES!!! sam is goone ... thank goodness ...
  3. RUB!X

    Soccer Thread 2004

    who have liverpool chosen for their cash injection, thailand or that rich english guy?
  4. RUB!X

    hiding files

    why do u need to hide your files ??? ;)
  5. RUB!X

    State of Origin Thread

    lols, ???
  6. RUB!X

    more cars

    lols ... ums ... try buying a car at an auction, its alot cheaper ... :) but i would suggest toyota starlet an d suzuki swift ... stay away from the others ...
  7. RUB!X

    How much study?

    i do what i can after h/w and tv shows ...
  8. RUB!X

    State of Origin Thread

    should be an interesting series ...
  9. RUB!X

    Soccer Thread 2004

    like they need more defenders ... lols
  10. RUB!X

    Soccer Thread 2004

    lols, omg cant they find other women?
  11. RUB!X

    South Africa gets the World Cup

    rofl ...
  12. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    still better than a jag ...
  13. RUB!X

    South Africa gets the World Cup

    lols, im sick and tired of kewell, viduka and co. who bs bout injuries, they have no fn commitment ... or r their clubs to blame?
  14. RUB!X

    Favourite soccer team!?

    yeah true ...
  15. RUB!X

    South Africa gets the World Cup

    n e v e r ...
  16. RUB!X

    The F1 Thread

    just hope in all this commotion that webber gets a better car ...
  17. RUB!X

    Soccer Thread 2004

    lols ARSENAL finish season unbeaten ... muhahaha!
  18. RUB!X

    Survivor Allstars!

    still, amber and rob r together now so the 1 million is 'shared' rupert deserved it ...
  19. RUB!X

    Soccer Thread 2004

    holland if they can figure out how to play as a team ... like brazil could have won the world cup by 10, but they all go for the glory instead of passing the fn ball ... holland have alot of individual stars, but can they play together well enuf to win ...?
  20. RUB!X


    the PM thinks hes a chucker ... lols