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  1. Shadowdude

    Am I allowed to live in a college at UNSW if my fam lives locally? Im from Kingsford.

    Re: Am I allowed to live in a college at UNSW if my fam lives locally? Im from Kingsf Of course, you just have to apply. There's no restrictions, I believe.
  2. Shadowdude

    Post Your 2014 Sem1 Timetable

    By Week 12, my English lectures had that many people in it. dw
  3. Shadowdude

    Drop law transfer to Comm/Eco with 3 majors?

    not much, just the usual, i learned how to play 'hearts' two days ago! :p Anyway, if you're not sure - I think you should do some course research beforehand, look at the courses you need to do for each major, etc. You'll narrow it down surely. Of course to get into Commerce you'll need to IPT...
  4. Shadowdude

    Drop law transfer to Comm/Eco with 3 majors?

    omg its Lpodnano! sup I think you should transfer based on you wanting to do Commerce more than Law, but what jobs and careers are you thinking about after you graduate? Also triple majoring is... overkill, imo. You should find one or two passions and gun for them.
  5. Shadowdude

    Post Your 2014 Sem1 Timetable

    If you leave at 9:55, you should get to Matthews at like 10:05 or a bit later. That's pretty much 3/4 of campus you have to walk, and up stairs too.
  6. Shadowdude

    Contemplating on ECON1101 lectures...???

    Motta at his best: (courtesy of 'Alberto Motta' like page)
  7. Shadowdude

    How interactive will tutorials be?

    Depends what tutorial it is - what subject area are you thinking of? Like maths tutes are just sit there and the only interactivity you'll probably get is telling the tutor what questions you want answered from the problem set. Others like philosophy are like 80% class participation driven...
  8. Shadowdude

    Happy Valentines Day!

    just checked facebook it's all pink *sigh*
  9. Shadowdude

    Cheapest way to UNSW by public transport

    exactly Or the bus would stop in the middle of Foveaux Street or something on the way to Anzac Parade and we were boarded by transit people.
  10. Shadowdude

    Which to choose?

    You think a 45 minute commute is bad? I have to travel double that to get to UNSW. Also I think UoW > UWS in terms of prestige anyway... I may be corrected on that - but I would personally, given that choice, go to UoW. Beach there. Nice-ish place. Great fish and chips shop near the beach near...
  11. Shadowdude

    What time of day is the biggest influx of students?

    Train buddies are even better. Same girl I mentioned in the post above would be a train buddy on the way home, she got off the stop before mine so it was great. Lots of people complain about the commute to uni, but I find it a necessary "evil" which I can turn into something good - all you...
  12. Shadowdude

    What time of day is the biggest influx of students?

    pro-tip: have a bus buddy I remember a few times last year, I'd meet up with a friend and she and I would just chat about whatnot on the way to uni, it'd lessen the pain of having to squeeze into the bus and whatnot.
  13. Shadowdude

    Cheapest way to UNSW by public transport

    Exactly, so if you and your friends decide to go to the beach one day after uni - then... you can go and don't have to pay for an extra ticket! You can go on adventures.
  14. Shadowdude

    Your Opinion On "Back Up" Units

    Yes, but for my situation, I liked all my subjects so I didn't really want to leave any of them. In the general case, yes again - but it assumes that enough of the extra time will be used to do well for the other subjects, so there's some balancing act there - and that's why I think around 12...
  15. Shadowdude

    Your Opinion On "Back Up" Units

    I had 14 units in my HSC, I enjoyed them all. I didn't see any as "back-up" but I could envision that if I bombed out badly on one subject, I'd know at least I had at least 12 other units that would count - so it didn't really matter.
  16. Shadowdude

    Question on indefinite integrals (primitive functions)

    That's a 3u method unfortunately. --- Here's how I would do it: \int \frac{x}{x^{2} - 9}\,dx=\frac{1}{2}\int\frac{2x}{x^{2}-9}\,dx Just some manipulation to get the derivative of the denominator, as the numerator. \frac{1}{2}\int\frac{2x}{x^{2}-9}\,dx = \frac{1}{2}\ln{|x^{2}-9|}+c
  17. Shadowdude

    Never been in a relationship?

    So your question is how to proceed? Well... in saying that you're single, you kinda flagged that you like her - and when she replies she has a boyfriend well... you're pretty much stuffed. So my advice would just be to be like "Oh okay" and then quickly move the conversation to something else...
  18. Shadowdude

    Never been in a relationship?

    Oh I've found that girls will quite often - namedrop their boyfriend somehow to avoid that, or something.
  19. Shadowdude

    International Students!!

    Some are, some don't. But as I said, they're not going to have a sign above them that says "Hi! I am an international student" - so you're really just best off making friends, and if it turns out later they're international - then great.