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  1. thongetsu

    Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home

    religion is a belief way of life is...well a way of life
  2. thongetsu

    Reasons for racism.

    i'm honoured that you're using my post as a sig xD
  3. thongetsu

    Man 'hasn't eaten, drunk in 70 years'

    Well he's taking breathing to a whole new level.
  4. thongetsu

    who's the best at being negative?

    after he fucked you (since he lost a bet he made with his friends) he had no use for you, also you spelt distraction wrong.
  5. thongetsu

    who's the best at being negative?

    this is going to be so fun!
  6. thongetsu

    Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home

    buddhism is way of life not religion.
  7. thongetsu

    What do you do to prepare for upcoming exams?

    A smart twin who is bothered and does the same subjects as me would be nice.
  8. thongetsu

    Identity and Belonging Synonyms
  9. thongetsu

    Identity and Belonging Synonyms

    Inside Break: Belonging REP ME!
  10. thongetsu

    Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home

    although that's all they are!
  11. thongetsu

    Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home

    I'll assume your not being sarcastic since i am awesome and you can't be as successful as me. xD
  12. thongetsu

    Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home

    'Dumb slutz' will only make it harder, your fight for womens rights included.
  13. thongetsu

    Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home

    yes you are because these are your ACTUAL views.
  14. thongetsu

    How do you deal with disappointment?

    You have a whole lifetime of failing ahead of you so you should be used to getting poor results or disappointment. xD
  15. thongetsu

    i see xD

    i see xD