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  1. thongetsu

    Reasons for racism.

    if that really is you in your avatar i would love to be your friend...with benefits!
  2. thongetsu

    72-year-old pregnant to her grandson

    Grandma 1: It's my grandson's 21st birthday soon. Grandma 2: My grandson just won 500,000 in the lotto. Grandma 3: My grandson just got married. Grandma fucking her grandson: I'm fucking my grandson.
  3. thongetsu

    Reasons for racism.

    I'm confused, are you ending your sentence with an ellipsis?
  4. thongetsu

    72-year-old pregnant to her grandson

    Disgusting and creepy. Imagine how awkward the family dinners would be.
  5. thongetsu

    Conspiracy against small feet?

    Buy children's shoes.
  6. thongetsu

    Disrespect for teachers

    I respect my maths and english teacher only because they can teach and they make learning fun!
  7. thongetsu

    Thoughts on cum ?

    i'll cum on your thoughts.
  8. thongetsu

    Reasons for racism.

    two wangs make it tight!
  9. thongetsu

    How do you deal with disappointment?

    a good 15 minutes in front of the computer and some alone time with your predominant hand.
  10. thongetsu

    relationship between proteins and polypeptides

    lol thread revive!
  11. thongetsu

    Good example of a Transgenic Species.

    Bacterial insulin
  12. thongetsu

    Simultaneous equations

    lol yeah you had it mixed up. so it'd be 2x^2 +7x -4 = 0 (x+4)(2x-1)=0 x=-4,1/2
  13. thongetsu

    Listening to music whilst doing assignments

    LOL G-DRAGON loooks like a male asian lady gaga!
  14. thongetsu

    Does playing hard to get really pay off?

    haha and yep this would be much appreciated since guys like easy access.
  15. thongetsu

    Need help with emo girl

    just tell her every time she cuts herself that you will jizz on her wound and it will sting! but you actually gotta do it to prove you're serious.
  16. thongetsu

    Is he interested in me? Boys, maybe you can help!

    He's interested (in getting) in you. or He'll be interested once he's in you.